Chp.18 The Culture Festival

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And so, now that Nagatoro and (YN) are back being friends, now they can focus on their challenge against President Sana. So the next day, it students were preparing for the culture festival, as for (YN) and Nagatoro they finished up doing some model drawings of Nagatoro....

Gamo: Well Well, I gotta say Paisen, your drawings turned out to be really good.

Sakura: Such a lovely aura.

Yoshi: Lovely!

Gamo: So what's the concept?

Nagatoro: Hehe, Senpai?

(YN): Well, it's called "A Day In Nagatoro's Life."

Nagatoro: Hehe Yup!

Gamo: know, these drawing you drew of her are more like...boyfriend perspective.

Sakura: Aww boyfriend perspective!

Yoshi: Boyfriend!

(YN): No it's not like that! I just...thought I could make some good art if I can draw Nagatoro's daily life, that's all.

Nagatoro: Hehe! Yeah that is something good coming from you! Although with creepy virgin vines!

(YN): Oh shut up.

Gamo: Yeah, but the problem is...the President's art.

Yoshi/Sakura: Oh

Nagatoro: .....

(YN): Hm.

Gamo: Hmm. Seems like she isn't there, okay, you three let's go gather some details!

Yoshi/Sakura: Yeah!

Nagatoro: Senpai, you're not coming as well?

(YN): Nah, I'm good. I rather not see her drawings to bring my hopes down.

Nagatoro: Ah, but don't you worry, even if she is the queen of lewds, we will still beat her!

(YN): *sighs* I hope you're right about this.

Gamo: Hayacchi, come on.

Nagatoro: Coming.

And so, the four girls went to the other side of the room to check on President Sana'a art....and they manage to find some of hers...and yet everything went (YN) heard a loud if someone fall to the ground...

(YN): Hm?

Gamo: WAH! Hayacchi! She's down! Retreat! Retreat!

The girls got out from the room, and yet bringing Hayacchi on her hands and putting her on the sofa...

Gamo: Hayacchi! Speak to me!

Yoshi: Killed in action!

Sakura: So brutal!

(YN): Eh?! What the hell happen to Nagatoro?!

Nagatoro: ...B-Breast...Violence...

(YN): ...Oh.

Gamo: The last two we saw was crazy insane, but this one was DOUBLY insane.

Yoshi: Huge doubly insane!

Sakura: So big we four can't even handle that kind of thing we saw!

Gamo: Not only is she the queen of lewds...but she's now the demon of lewds!

Sakura/Yoshi: Cackle! Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!

Nagatoro: It's not funny!

Gamo: Sorry hehe, okay then...but we need to come up with a solution.........Oh! I have an idea! Let's have Hayacchi strip down for the team

18Y/O Hayase Nagatoro x Male Senpai ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now