Chp.19 The Epilogue

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A couple of days later after the festival, it would seem that Nagatoro and (YN) have been getting along quite a bit, and I mean a lot together, I'm talking about walking to school, to home, eating lunch together, and messing around with each other as well...and as for President Sana, she has seen everything from them two...and yet wanted to have a talk with Nagatoro about being with (YN) one day on a Friday afternoon, school just ended, Nagatoro was walking down the hallway with Gamo and the girls, as she then wanted to go and check on (YN) in the art room...

Nagatoro: Hey, I'm gonna go check out something, see you guys next week.

Gamo: Okay Hayacchi, later, and say hi to Paisen for me.

Yoshi/Sakura: See ya!

The girls soon took to a different direction to leave home...

Nagatoro: H-How does she know I'm gonna see Senpai??? Mmmmm!

Nagatoro blushes as she goes walking down the hallway, soon she arrive s at the room...

Nagatoro: Hey Senpai! What are you....d-doing...??

She expected to see (YN)...but no, she then sees none other than President Sana, who she is sitting down..having her arms crossed and like she was waiting for Nagatoro...

Nagatoro: President??

President Sana: Nagatoro right?

Nagatoro. Y-Yeah, hey where's Senpai??

President Sana: (YN) left early cause he had to go somewhere with his parents. So I'm guessing he's at home right about now.

Nagatoro: O-Oh, I see...

President Sana: But now that you're here, it'll be a perfect timing to talk to you about him.

Nagatoro. what do you mean?? What's going on here??

President Sana: Have a seat first then we can talk.

At first Nagatoro didn't know what was going on and why was Sana here at the art she then took a seat at the sofa...

Nagatoro: Okay, so what's up?

President Sana: ...The way I see it, you're different.

Nagatoro: Eh?

President Sana: Tell me, when did you met (YN)?

Nagatoro: ...Like a month ago, hehe, at first I thought he was gonna be some wimp and some nervous dude, but turns out he's more of a chad dude, hehe.

President Sana: Hm, that's how he is. And tell you like him??

Nagatoro: *blushing* Wh-What?!?

President Sana: Do you like him? It's not that hard to answer that simple question.

Nagatoro: N-No! I don't! Pssssh! Never! I don't like him! Not like that! W-Well I mean...he is nice, he's kind...he does have a sweet heart....even though he looks like bad mood dude...but he can be nice dude...but that doesn't mean I like him!

President Sana: Nagatoro...your face is telling me that you're lying, I can see it already.

Nagatoro. I-I said I don't-

President Sana: Nagatoro.

Nagatoro: .....Mmm! Why do you care Anyways?! What are you trying to say?!

President Sana: ...I've seen everything between you and him.

Nagatoro: Wh-What??

President Sana: Yes, I've seen it. Between you and him, you two have something special rather than just being more than friends...the way you're always're smiles...having fun...heck, I've never seen him smile like that, it's been a while, and you're the reason why. The fact that you always been with him...he smiles, no other girls does that but you. You make him feel special inside, and the way he sees you...I can tell he likes you as well.

18Y/O Hayase Nagatoro x Male Senpai ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now