Chapter 22

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It would be a lie to say I was completely confident in our make-shift team's ability to do what Allie had come up with. Especially since, after the whole planning process, I was immediately on the plane for D.C. and N.E.L.O.S.'s headquarters.

The plane ride was quiet and would have been boring if I didn't have an overwhelming sense of dread. I was the only one on the private jet except for the supposed pilot and spent the majority of the flight staring at my shaking hands, ignoring the hidden weapons scattered over my body.

Allie had said she and Bleddyn would be able to get there fine, how, I didn't know. She acted like it was a superhero thing like I hadn't proved myself already. Bleddyn had kissed me goodbye though and whispered that it would be okay.

Big liar-- but it was still nice to hear even though the looks of fear we gave each other.

I stood when the plane came to a complete stop, steadying my breath and allowing my N.E.L.O.S. persona to mask my fear. James met me outside the plane with that familiar smirk.

"Just breathe," Bleddyn had said, "whenever he shows up, just breathe." I allowed his words to echo throughout my head as I just walked by him.

"Aren't you a little curious, El?" I shot him a glare.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for my lab that was blown up, or have you forgotten about that little bit?"

"It was just a lab, we have more." James bit back a laugh as he walked beside me. "You should just be glad she wants to see you."

Tara. Allie had warned me about her sister. That she was power-hungry, narcissistic, and completely fell into the Family Business. Allie hadn't been approached in college like most of N.E.L.O.S. members-- hadn't been blinded by the lab opportunities-- instead, it was a family requirement to be a part of the whole Family Business.

She made it sound like some C.I.A. shit.

James had access to most parts of the buildings I soon learned. He had a bad habit of rubbing unnecessary but important information in other people's faces, especially people he hated, and he definitely hated me.

When the final door was opened I didn't know what I was expecting, but I knew it wasn't the face of Chloe staring back at me with an uncharacteristically snide smirk lacing her face. James didn't enter the room with me, but I didn't notice.

"You--" I sputtered, eyes widening.

"I do apologize for not being able to meet face to face sooner. I must thank you for your technology, it was very beneficial for these past few weeks." She was sitting behind a desk that seemed too large for her smaller demeanor, hands clasped under her chin.

When I met those eyes I knew I was not staring at the Chloe I rescued. "You're not Chloe," I said, stepping closer to the desk.

"Please take a seat, we have much to discuss." Everything screamed that this was a setup, but I had to stay in character. I pulled a chair out. "As I said before, your inventions in the guise of Doctor Nihilistical were quite instrumental to these past few weeks. When James located the blueprints, I was pleasantly surprised. My engineers did take a few liberties in the original design, I hope you don't mind." I remained quiet as she took a gun from under her desk. It was the body-swapper. "It has been very interesting being in this girl's body. She has quite a few friends who really care about her, doesn't she?"

"What did you do with her?" I gritted out, holding Tara's eyes.

"She's unharmed and will remain so until I am given no other choice." She turned her monitor around revealing security footage. Chloe-- or Tara's true body-- was locked in a cell, unharmed, scrunched in a corner glaring at the camera. The fierceness in the woman's eyes could only belong to Chloe.

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