Chapter 1

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Do you ever wish your dreams could come true, even if it is just for a split second? Imagine: seeing your grandmother again, eating all the cucumbers you could ever want, and taking over the entire world. Yes it may only last for one-fifteenth of a second and you may never get that chance again, but wouldn't you rather take it than never be able to experience it again?

If only the stars listened to me, but they don't and that's life, I guess.

"Hey Doctor Evil, you up yet?" a voice called through the door that separated my room from the rest of the apartment. The voice belonged to my best friend, Lex, my genetically engineered talking cat. 

I grunted at the feline but managed to swing myself out of bed. I stumbled out of the room, heading towards the kitchen with coffee as the number one prerogative in life at this exact moment. "Why did you wake me up at seven in the morning Cat?"

"You were already awake, and you know it," Lex replied, licking his paws. "Hell, you never fell asleep. I can already tell." He jumped onto the counter. "You need to actually sleep, even supervillains need it."

"I was too busy thinking about my next plan." I took a swig of coffee and rubbed my temples.

"Plan to ask Erebus out? Do you finally have the balls to do it?"

I pushed Lex off the counter, "Shut the hell up you stupid feline."

"So I take that as a yes?"

I walked out of the room, Lex in tail. A bad start to a day off.


Do you ever wish that you could stop being who you are, even if it is just for a split second? Imagine: taking a mental health day when you actually need it instead of always being on call to save the city, graduating college with good grades because you don't have to spend fifty hours a week trying to protect pedestrians, and waking up in the mornings just to see the beautiful eyes of the love of your life. Yes it may only last for one-fifteenth of a second and you may never get that chance again, but wouldn't you rather take it than never be able to experience it again?

I wish I got to stop granting wishes and had a chance to have some of my own, but that is not how life works.

My alarm began to beep right on time: five fifty-five in the morning, just like every morning. I yawn and slam my hand on the snooze button, groaning. I open my crusty eyes and rub them clear.

I look over to my side and I only see the perfectly made bedside, not the beautiful topaz eyes that I am so used to seeing in my dreams. No, just the cold morning air.

How stupid was I to think some dreams could come true?

I slumped out of bed and began to change into my super-suit, even Erebus doesn't get the day off. No matter how much I want one.

The Overly Complicated Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz