Chapter 5

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"Of course, Doctor," I respond, I doubt he heard me though.


Did he just say Doctor?

Yes, things had been strange. I know what I heard-- and Bleddyn obviously said "Doctor"-- which only means one thing. . .

He thinks I'm smart enough to have a doctorate degree!

Oh, how adorable!

"What the hell are you doing awake at six in the morning on a Saturday?" Lex padded into the room with very little pep-- but when had Lex ever had any pep. "Did you actually come up with any ideas last night-- is that why you seem happy?"

I did have ideas-- a matter of fact-- about thirty of them: kidnap Bleddyn and make him the happiest person alive, attack the Classics department so I would have a chance to see his adorable little face, or I could always just propose right here and now and sees what he thinks about it.

"Do you realize that none of those plans have anything to do with foiling Erebus?" Lex plopped down right beside me and yawned. "I need food. The sooner the better." I grabbed cat food from the cupboard and threw it at him. He pawed at it for a while before just sitting there hopeless and no further closer to a full stomach.

"Does Kitty need a little help?"

"It's not my fault cats were made without opposable thumbs. If anything it's your fault you blasted humans." I grabbed the cat food from him and he whined, "Give it back!"

"I will if you help me come up with at least one decent plan to foil Erebus."

"If only you could be Erebus, this would be so much easier."


"Say that again, slower this time."

Lex sighed, "Will you give me my food if I do?"

"Yes, dammit!"

"I said: if only you could become Erebus."


"Yes, yes, yes," I repeated, rushing out of the room, "yes!"

"Hey wait! What about my food!?"

I ran straight to my lab-- more formally known as the linen closet-- and began putting together that would forever change the relationship between me, Doctor Nihilistical, and Erebus! And finally, I'd be able to beat my arch-nemesis!

I work for hours, putting together a ray gun that will take the mind of the shooter and swap it with the victim of the one who was fired. It was a plan of genius.

I finished the gun around midday and began planning my next attack on the city. It would be easy all I'd have to do is lure Erebus out and fire him, become him, and learn all of his weaknesses!

It was foolproof.

Completely foolproof.


I stumbled into my apartment, far too early in the morning in my opinion and immediately fell into my bed. After a much-needed nap, I awaken to the sound of my phone buzzing. The caller ID shows that Chloe is calling. I pick up.


"Hey! Can I come over now? I think I just got a brilliant idea on how to get Nihil out of hiding!"

Nihil was our nickname for Doctor Nihilistical-- yes it is a Latin word and yes I should probably just refer to him as Elliot. I have formally met the Doctor, after all, it would probably be easier to use his first name.

"Yeah, I guess. But don't you remember that my family is kinda depending on me to find them-- Nihil hasn't made a move in forever." The line cut off, and I knew she was coming over to the apartment to discuss the plan of attack.

I pad into my kitchenette and fill a mug with boiling water to let my tea steep, and after ten or so minutes, I am sitting on my small couch and Chloe eyes me under her thick frames from across the room.

"As I was saying, you need a new plan of action," she said, sipping on her iced coffee. "Erebus and Nihil will meet again, I can feel it. I can't have you losing!"

"Since when do I lose? Besides, why are we talking about Nihil anyway? It's more important that we find my family."

That's when Chloe goes off. "You mean your homophobic, Babtist-ass family that kicked you out when you came out to them? Hell, if I were you, I'd let them rot." She sent a death-stopping glare at me. "Come on, even you know that they aren't worth rescuing."

"What the hell Chloe!?" I set down my tea and lean forward. "Yeah, they're assholes who probably think I am the Antichrist but dammit-- they're my family and you don't just leave your family when they have been kidnapped and you have superpowers that can save them."

"They would never do the same for you."

"That isn't even the point! Hell knows what they would do, what matters is what I do, and if I don't save them then what kind of horrible superhero am I supposed to be?"

Chloe sighs and rubs her forehead, "Bleddyn, I know you mean well. I'm just trying to look out for you. But listen, we don't even know who took them, right now I think we need to take care of Nihil-- quick and easy-- then we can focus our energy on passing and finding your family."

I didn't know what to say. This hadn't been our first fight, but it had been the first one since I became Erebus. Chloe never liked my family-- neither of us did-- but still, it did not explain the irrational behavior she was showing. I hadn't seen this side of her in a very long time not since we both tried to run away when we were fifteen.

We had only gotten to our secret treehouse and camped out there for a few hours before my father had found us and dragged us home. Afterward, I was paddled and sent to my room for the rest of the summer vacation, and I couldn't leave unless there was a meal ready.

It wasn't the worst punishment I had received from my mother and father-- besides they never took away my books-- that is what would have hurt.

Not that they would have ever realized that.

But Chloe had gotten so mad at my parents that she attempted to smoke bomb the house to help me escape.

"Bleddyn?" Chloe snapped me out of the memory. "Did you hear that?"


"Shit," I said under my breath. I ran to get changed into my suit, "Shit, shit, shit!"

"I'd follow them if I were Erebus," Chloe hummed.

"Really? Zip me up would you?" I gestured to the back of my suit before sliding the ebony cloak over my shoulders.

"Go be a hero," Chloe said and patted me on the back.

I opened the skylight in my living room-- one of the perks of living on the top floor-- and jumped onto the roof.

Okay, time to be a hero!

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