Two: Dust and Blood

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With a yawn, I throw my legs off the side of my bed. It's way too early for anyone in my family to be awake, but I've made a habit of watching the sunrise every morning before heading off to work. I step out of bed, throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, my boots, and a sweater for the morning chill before brushing my hair and leaving the room. Passing by the kitchen, I take a piece of bread from the cupboard, slathering some random jam on it. A note is pressed into the counter, in which my mother informs me I will be given a few days off to spend with Titus and my father while they're here.

My steps feel lighter with this revelation as I make my way through the town and to the staircase to the dome, eating my breakfast on the way. The sun peeks its way up the tip of the reddish brown mountains on the horizon. Watching the sun rise and the dust swirling through the air, I allow my thoughts to wander, ranging from the patients at work yesterday to Titus being home to Mikhail at the dance tomorrow. Callista is next to me before I can even process I've been sitting there for more than half an hour.

"So. Who was he?" Callie asks, a mischievous smirk spread across her face. She'd love to know all the juicy details. Like I'd actually tell her on her command.

"Who was who?" I ask, feigning innocence. I'm not gonna make this easy on her.

"You're terrible. The guy you danced with." she huffs, hands on her hips in a bossy fashion.

I smile at Callista's frustration, and raise an eyebrow through my grin as I glance over at her.

"His name is Mikhail. He's a Skywalker." I reply, turning back to the rising sun.

She nods, pretending to understand.

"Ah. Gotcha. He was cute."

I nod, taking a sip from the canteen of coffee in my hands.

"You think you'll see him again?" Callie asks, and I shrug, trying my best to seem nonchalant.

"Maybe." I hope so.

She nods slowly. "Me too. You need a boyfriend."

"I do not! I can survive on my own." I practically yell, indignant at her suggestion. I've survived up until now practically on my own; having a boyfriend now wouldn't do much.

"But you're also lonely around... eh, ninety-five percent of the time."
I tilt my head sideways in acknowledgement, and we both stare back out at the dust.

"You ever wonder what things would look like without the radiation and crap?" she asks, after a few moments of silence.

"All the time. I like to imagine there'd be a field of grass right in front of us, with trees beyond that, and a creek in the middle."

"We only see that stuff in history books, Ari." she laughs quietly, amused by my suggestion. Probably laughing at me for thinking about it before.

"Yeah, but... it's nice to dream about it," I reply, gazing back out at the dirt beyond.

"It's time for work now," Callie tells me, and I nod.

"I know. I'm off today."

"I hate you," she breathes sarcastically, standing up with a stretch.

"Have a nice day!" I tease as she walks away, and she throws me a glare. I chuckle slightly, and return my focus to the now-risen sun. The Skywalkers are already out and about, roaming the ceiling of the glass dome with their tool belts. I lie on my back on the steps, watching them work and wondering if Mikhail is up there. As if reading my mind, one of the Skywalkers descends until they're only about ten feet above me. Off comes the oxygen helmet, and Mikhail stares down at me.

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