Author's Note

6.8K 340 34

Holy crap! We're finally finished with book 1!

Seriously though, you guys. I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for all of the support you guys have given me! I'm so excited to see where this adventure will take us next!

The sequel to Dust, now titled "Ashes", has recently been started and is already on my profile, so I hope you'll all come back for round two! 

I started writing this book a few months ago and decided to throw it onto this website. I could never have guessed that I'd finish it with nearly 6,000 reads!! Thank you so much! You all are honestly incredible and I'm so blessed that you all have taken interest in my story, let alone read it all the way to the end!

Much love,

Ana (angrychinchillanoise)

Psalm 86:12

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