Twelve: Felix

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A/N: Picture is close to what Felix looks like.

As the sun sets on the horizon, the boys and I decide that our best bet is to travel further at night. As far as we know, the Burning don't have night vision, so sneaking around should be a lot easier.

With one backpack for each of us, two filled with water and the other with food, we have no ammunition to reload the gun. The handgun at my side is the only weapon we have, so should we get caught, our chances of survival are close to none. Hands trembling slightly, Mikhail gingerly lifts the metal bar from the doors.

"Alright. Let's go," the blond whispers, as Felix and I follow him out to the streets again. At night, no lights are present, and darkness covers us like a heavy blanket. Eerily silent, the only sound in the deserted alleyways are our pounding footsteps as we run in what Mikhail swears is the right direction.

Despite the fact that no one but the three of us are around, my hand tightens on the handgun at my side anyway. After the run-in we had with the Burning both yesterday and today, I have no desire to encounter any of the creatures again. Hearts pounding, Mikhail motions for us to halt, holding a finger to his lips in the moonlight.

"I'm gonna check ahead. Start moving forward," he hisses, and then runs off before I can stop him. I let out a curse at the sky, and Felix chuckles.

"Relax, Ari. He'll be fine."

"Sure he will, wandering around an abandoned city filled with evil monsters," I scoff, storming forward away from the cheery brunette. He lets out a chuckle, and then adopts a horrible English accent.

"Now, now, dearie, you mustn't worry so much. 'Tis bad for your health!" he squeaks out, bursting into laughter at his own antics. I roll my eyes, but fight a grin off as he swaggers by me stupidly. As we walk through the filthy streets, my thoughts flit to our friends wandering other parts of the city. Titus and Callista were by far in the most precarious position, weaponless and running through the center of the streets. Much of my worry lies with Kyros and Thea however. I tell myself it's because of Thea's fear of the Burning, but part of me knows that's not entirely true.

I push away the thoughts as Felix suddenly shoves a cylindrical object near my face.

"You wanna open a can of soup?" he grins, holding out the can. I raise an eyebrow, but take it anyway. Using the pocketknife in the way Titus showed me, I open it as we continue walking.

"Felix? Are you worried at all? About Callie?" I ask, and the usually rambunctious boy goes silent. I hand him the now open can of soup sludge and he takes a slurp out of it.

"Yeah. Let's not talk about this?" he offers, and hands me the can. I've known Felix for a long time, and he's always been the lighthearted one. He masks any discomfort with his humor, as evidenced by his singing in the desert and his behavior now.

"You think Mikhail will be fine?"

"What, are you worried that Lover Boy won't come back for you?" he teases, and I punch his arm instead of replying. It's not a lie though; I am worried for my friend's safety. Or is it more than friend?

I mentally slap myself for actually bothering with this right now, and instead take a sip of Felix's sludge soup to distract myself. You idiot, Ari.

It's your fault that your mom is dead. Your stupid, frozen brain didn't realize what she was doing. You could've dragged her with you. You could've done so much more. Now Titus hates me for it.

"You okay, Ari?" Felix asks, and I snap up face him. My thoughts must've bled into my expression.

"I could've saved Mom, I think. I could've done more to stop her." I whisper, and his playful expression softens into worry.

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