03: Just a Rumor

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My pencil rolled off my desk ever so smoothly, but I didn't even bother to pick it up I was still lost in space about what had happened yesterday, I couldn't get a blink of sleep.

How did this happen to me?

How did I get drawn into this mess of sorts?

When I had first met Lola, I thought she would be my best friend until we drifted apart, but never something like this. She was sweet and caring when I met her, now it's all about dragging the next person down.

"Your exam, Miss Clemente", Mr. Kelvin, asked as he slid the paper off and told me I was free to go, considering the class was the last of the day.

I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the room just as I spotted my favorite taunter, I ducked my head below, hoping that he wouldn't see me, I couldn't take his taunts any longer.

He was in a group of people, again smoking in the garden, but the flame went out as he made his way inside, he really did want to die.

What was the reason that people stayed after school? That question would forever boggle my mind.

I heard the door open behind me, and I rushed around the corner, I heard shoes behind me, clicking and clacking almost the sound of heels.

"Hey, boys",Lola's voice sprung up like a high pitched recorder.

"Could you?", she said, and as I peered over the side, I saw the cigarette that laid in her hand. Liam, one of Dallas's friends took his lighter out of his pocket. And lit the cigarette as it came alive, and she got ready to exhale as she let out an embarrassing cough.

The boys all let out a dying chuckle, as I knew in that moment I had seen all I needed too.

"Remember in freshmen year when you lit that cigarette for me, Dallas?", she asked, and as soon as I heard the question echo through the halls even as someone I hated I wished I could save her from that embarrassment.

"Listen we've gotta go", Liam, said holding back in a choke of laughter, but I had heard it and I'm guessing so did Lola, she probably saw their faces scattered with laughter and idiotic motions.

I heard them move further away from me, and as I peered over to the side, Lola looked crushed. I knew I was the last person she wanted to see but what feels like a decade ago I used to call her my friend.

"Hey, are you okay?", I asked, making my way over and as soon as she heard my voice her eyes turned and she looked at me sternly.

"Get the fuck away from me, I'm fine", she turned to the opposite side of me, and I took it as my sign to go, she was embarrassed, from the brief moment I saw her.

I walked out of the building, seeing Natalie's car as she frantically waved to me, she had been taken off house arrest by Doctor Nolan, saying this was her outing of the day but she needed to take it easy.

"I was getting worried", she said as I opened the car door, and hauled my soccer bag into the back along with my school bag.

"Sorry I was finishing up an exam", I told her and she nodded her head, as she drove away.

"Your therapy session is today , I wanted to know if you wanted to reschedule", she glanced over at me, trying to get a stance of where I stood. Trying to see how I was, especially after last night.

"No, uh it's okay", I told her and she nodded her head, tapping her finger against the steering wheel.

"You want to go to therapy?", she asked me, with a goofy grin on her face. I had been begging every moment for Natalie to reschedule, I think I didn't want everything to be up in the air, the last therapist hurt me enough.

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