43: Hatred Pt.2

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"If anything happens I will be by you the whole night, promise". She said, ensuring that she would be there. Davina reminded me of the old me, someone who could stand her ground, she wasn't afraid of saying what she felt, all these words and feelings. Davina reminded me of who I used to be, and who I wanted to be again.

"Have you ever been to Liam's lodge?"

"Fuck". Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"What? You've been there?" She asked, me looking over as I completely lost my mind, how could of all places we would be going there. I thought she hated him.

"Don't you hate Liam?" I asked her, trying not to admit to her why I was so hesitant on showing up at his party of all people, of all places.

"He invited me himself, he printed me out an invitation. I admit defeat if I don't show up, now tell me your excuse?" She said, showing me the small printed out invite, it was the funniest thing I had seen. No one sent invites for house parties, especially the one he was throwing. It was typed and addressed to her, maybe they can't even talk formally or something.

It was now or never, she would know as soon as Dallas and I got to the brawl of it. She would know it all led back to him.

"I went to one of his parties that got raided... and Dallas and I had nowhere else to go, so we ran to his cabin. And we stayed there... all night". I told her and she looked at me as if I was reading this scenario from a book.

"At Liam's party?"

I nodded my head as she almost exploded with questions.

"So now two guys are looking your way, but you only want one?" She asked me and I slightly nodded my head. I wasn't sure if I should tell her about how Liam had to push me out of the house before Dallas said something he would regret.

Luckily we arrived at the party and she still wasn't done with her questions. I really didn't want to tell her about the numerous ways I had embarrassed myself with Dallas, how I had whimpered out I needed him, after he had told me hated me. I really hope he doesn't remember that.

We moved slowly out of the car, she walked with such a level of confidence that I didn't even know existed. And I was right she attracted many many men, even the one she didn't want to see.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show". A cheerful voice spoke, making Davina turn to face him. He walked closer to her, breaking every boundary she had, he was close, close enough to captivate her as she leaned in, her finger slipping down his chest.

"I would never let you win". She whispered into his ear, just loud enough for me to catch a wisp of as she grabbed the drink he had in his hands, and drank it fast.

"Holy fuck, do you two know each other?" He asked, looking back at her and then me.

"Yeah we do, you got a problem with that?" She asked, leaning in closer. The power she displayed was maddeningly attractive.

"I don't want her corrupt, she's a good kid after all", he said, glaring at Davina and they spoke as if I wasn't even here.

"And what am I? A bad one?" She asked, leaning forward, keeping her eyes on him as he breathed heavily against her. I felt like I was majorly third wheeling.

"A very bad one, you wouldn't be able to survive with what I would do to you". He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear, and that was my cue. I took off around the house, wishing to get away from their highly sexual conversation that had become like that too quickly, for two people that denied they liked each other.

"I can't believe you have the nerve to show up here?" A voice yelled, but it wasn't who I expected throwing a fit, it was Zeke and the beady voice that came with it matched his whole persona, just annoying. He looked at me with a nerve, like I had just blown it by showing up at this party, that wasn't his, may I add?

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