Epilogue: The Big Day Pt.1

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One year Later
Tomorrow was a big day. The end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one, filled with adventures, sadness, and joy. But most importantly that independent feeling of searching for yourself amongst the other millions let out to the world. And it was amusing, satisfying and uplifting to know I was able to take this journey on with my best friend.

"Mel". Natalie knocked on the door, then opened it. And as she stared at me in the exceptional white dress I had picked, tears watered down her face. I was going to be let out on my own, no longer hers. But the world's in a way.

"You look beautiful". She gushed, my cheeks blushing a maddening red. She wiped the tears from her cheeks as I turned to face the mirror, my own reflection beaming back at me.

"Tomorrow's a big day, huh?" She said, her voice rising and soft from the tears. She understood it, the feeling of saying goodbye, letting go.

"What if I'm not ready?" I asked her, my voice stumbling on the next words to come. She sat down on the bed as I took a seat next to her.

"You'll always have a home here, you aren't leaving yet". She said, trying to soothe me and I did, she took me under her wing. She did everything she could to prepare me to leave, but after having not had her for so long I never wanted to leave.

"You're graduating high school, dear, not leaving forever". She moved back a piece of hair behind my ear, as she looked at my eyes. I had always hated moving, it had never been seen as a good thing. And it never was. It never could be. But everything was happening so quickly and I still felt like a child, a child wanting to stay at home.

I was graduating high school tomorrow, my years at my high school were soon over, as well as everyone else's. Dallas was graduating too, and from the photos sent by Vi, he was not a happy camper about getting into a suit.

We had both been accepted to Washington University, it wasn't far from home about 30 minutes away . But we were going together. Dallas was getting an English degree, specifically in writing although he didn't as he had published two of his own already receiving a steady, well more than steady income to fall onto. And I was getting an English degree, with a minor in business because I always had the family business to fall back onto.

We had bought an apartment not far from the campus, Nolan described it as something like his bachelor pad and he was right. It looked more like a penthouse rather than an apartment. Dallas paid for half of it, and I paid the rest with the money I had inherited from Daniel. It felt good using his money after everything he had done. I went to therapy regularly, so did Dallas. He continued going to his support group and seeing his therapist and we were moving towards better days.

Vi was now going to school, living the happiest of days she could ever have. She went to monthly checkups to see how her lungs were and she took routine medication but we always feared the worst, we were always programmed to. Peter eventually bought a house near Allison's it was huge and he started writing again, his fan base wanting more from him and his son.

"Home will always be here for you". She hugged me, and I willowed in her touch. "I have something I want to give you". She said, getting up suddenly. I waited for her return, fixing the seam line of the white dress.

She came in with a red box, she opened the lid as the contents sparkled and shimmered under the light.

"I found this, it was mom's and I want you to have it and to wear it tomorrow to remember that she's always with you, wherever you are". She said, and I hugged her tight. Her soft words bringing peace to my ears as she kissed my forehead.

"You've grown so much". She whispered, and I went back to the day she saved me. Her eyes shimmered with sadness and she told me to run, and to never look back. I remembered everything from how she caressed my cheek in her hospital bed, to how she hugged me tightly like I had never been hugged before.

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