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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 a shaky breath as she hit the very last note and finished the song entirely. Not ready to face the judges nor the audience, she kept her eyes closed for a moment till she lightly saw the way the stage lit up in blue lights again from behind her eyelids. Her throat felt dry after singing in the high pitch for so long but she didn't are move. She inhaled heavily till she gained the rhythm to breathe again. But soon she was pulled out of her trance by a huge roll of applaud echoing throughout the whole room. The noise made her spring back to action as her eyes popped open to be met with the bright light coming from the lights around the stage.

And the view of the audience rising to their feet.

Not did a second pass before Cheryl was rising to her own feet. Avi couldn't explain how she took in the sight in front of her. Every single person had a smile on their face as their hands clasped together, clapping. Not only she aced her song, but she was receiving a standing ovation. for her performance. Cheryl gave her a cheer and sent a smile her way. Avi's hand automatically lifted up to cover her mouth in unbelief, eyes crinkling as she sported a big smile on her face, still processing the fact that she just finished her X Factor audition and was currently receiving huge applause. Her eyes watered as the cheering went on. Her mind earned to look towards the side and she almost cried at the way Dermot had his arms wrapped around Bexley, the two of them jumping up and down slightly.

When Cheryl sat back down on her seat Louis leaned in to talk in her ear quietly to which she nodded and leaned back in her seat, her eyes still trained on the girl in front of them. Simon on the other hand was sitting up then, the pen in his hand long gone. He didn't speak to any other judges, instead, he continued to look towards the stage, his focus set on the girl.

It was rather disturbing. His face was fixed in a world-weary expression. He wasn't smiling, no sign stating he liked the song nor a sense of objection.

Avi stood on the stage as the other two judges leaned forward to tap at their mics. Then the audience started to settle back down once again, sensing the judges were about to give their comments on her audition. Once the whole room was somewhat quieted and calmed down, Cheryl went and tapped her mic to speak first.


The simple word managed to make Avi's day a thousand times better.

Cheryl didn't speak for a couple of seconds after that, in fact, it seemed as if she was looking for words to describe her performance.

"Aviana" She breathed out, halting her speech once again. "Aviana, that was-" Cheryl sighed once again, smiling at her. "That was the most beautiful original piece I've listened to on the show so far"

The roaring of the cheering rose once again, startling her. But the judges didn't seem to mind.

The most beautiful.

"Darlin' " Cheryl cut herself off as she looked down, letting out a frustrated breath. " Your voice - I don't even know how to describe it- your voice is - is so delicate" She briefly paused to glance up again.  "But held so much power within" Cheryl continued to explain as Avi listened, her eyes trained on the judge. "The lyrics were so gorgeous, it almost made me cry" She laughed as she playfully dabbed at her waterline with her fingertips with a laugh. 

"Your voice and those stunning lyrics and the synthesizer- it was a synthesizer yeah?" Cheryl asked and Avi quickly nodded in a frantic move. " - The synthesizer went together so well, I can't even explain it. It was beautiful Aviana, but still" There's always a but, always. "There are small things you should improve in. For example, breathing and all" Cheryl stated while watching her hands around and Avi nodded, understanding that she needed improvement. "And another thing I love about you - " She looked up as the lady judge spoke up once again. " - is your confidence. Knowing that singing an Original song is a risk but still doing it, I think it's brave, singing an original song in front of a huge audience - Simon especially is only for the brave darlin' "

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now