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To say she was nervous would be an underestimation. No, Aviana was fucking terrified.

"Aviana Rae?" Avi stopped nibbling on her thumb and looked up when her name was called out by a backstage crew member who was standing a few feet away, near to the legs of the stage. Her heart started sinking towards her abdomen with every step she took forward till she finally approached him with shaky legs. She was astounded she made it without collapsing on the floor like a newborn fawn. The guy, whose name tag read Andy, beckoned her to walk towards the side of the main stage once she addressed him. 

Avi's heart was pounding inside her ribcage she worried the whole United Kingdom might hear the heavy thudding. She was scared that her chest would explode and she'd evaporate from how hard her heart was beating. Her mind was running crazy and she felt a bit of bile rising in the back of her throat. She quickly swallowed all her fears back down, and probably the little bit of puke that was looking for a way out of her body. She tried her best to ignore the little wobble in her step and the dizziness that was making her feel like she just downed a couple of margaritas.

Avi was going out of her fucking mind.

Her mind was running thousands of miles per hour. One blackout, two puke disasters and loads of panic attacks later, her nerves were still high, alarming her to her core. There were so many ways everything could go wrong the moment she steps out onto the stage, towards the three judges and a whole audience of people. First of all, she was not the calmest and collected person around, the chances of tripping over her own feet and falling face flat on the stage were high in her will. That's why every two minutes she made sure the lace of her shoes were tied together tightly. Secondly, anything could go wrong while she's auditioning. Literally, almost anything could happen during her audition. Not to mention how her throat was scratchy considering she had already thrown up two times so she made sure to take a sip of her burning hot water every minute to get her voice back in its healthy environment.

And on top of that, she was scared of her song choice. When she decided to sing a song she hand wrote a little over a year ago, she didn't think much about it, everyone at school liked it. But now she realised how much of a mistake it was. Simon hates original songs.

And what if Simon decides to stop her in the middle of singing? The humiliation.

Aviana was standing five feet away from the stage of ExCel London, ready to go out onto the stage and sing a song she wrote when she was fourteen years old in front of Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole and Louis Walsh. She had arrived at the venue at around seven in the morning to avoid the human traffic, but she instantly found out how wrong she was when thinking she would be able to get in earlier - considering it was currently nearing three in the afternoon.

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now