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"The biggest concern we had with you wasn't your voice Aviana" Simon spoke up after a moment, making Aviana straighten herself back up and listen to him. "You have an amazing voice, and great stage presence, and we all agree that you might even have some great hidden talent for composing as well. But what concerned us was the fact that you're still young, Aviana. You're very young, and if you're by yourself at this stage of the industry, it's going to be really really challenging"

Simon spoke slowly, stressing each and every word like he was trying to scorch them into her mind, desperate for everyone around to understand where his intentions lay.

"Like, two years back, Liam, I sent you home from the Judges' house because it wasn't your time yet. If you had continued that day, you might have not been able to make it" Simon gestured to one of the boys in their little bundle. He was the taller one, whom she'd seen around and known as somebody who had auditioned for the show in an earlier year. "Like that, Aviana, I see a lot of potential in you - in terms of performing. All of you on stage, you guys have such a long way to go. I want you all to continue, and be successful. But I know you're going to be - all of you are going to be just - better when you're all in it together"

"I know our original decision was for you to continue as an individual act, darling, but we just think it's going to be so much better like this" Nicole and Simon were speaking back to back as if they were at a battle to see who can make up the mind of the fifteen-year-old in front of them.

"The rest of you" It was Simon's turn again. He sat back up from the hunched position he was in and let his eyes drag over the rest of the people on the stage with a pointed look - his voice rather stoic now. "This is a lifeline. You have got to work ten to twelve, fourteen hours a day - every single day and take this opportunity. I want a real show out of you guys"

There was applause around them as the recording wrapped up. The girls were shrieking as they dragged each other off the stage, clearly happy out of their minds.

The guys, however, limited their celebration to applause, concerning eyes set on the girl who was just there - staring ahead. Her fingers were trembling around the microphone in her hands till Angus reached them.

"Birdie, let go" Angus spoke in a soft voice as if not to disturb whatever headspace she was in. Aviana let the microphone be pulled out of her hands, still too shaken to get herself to even move or to think of anything. The only thing that rang through her mind was a big, bold 'WHAT' in neon scarlet letters.

In her shaken state of mind, Aviana didn't see how Nicole had made her way to the stage, cautiously approaching her.

"Hi, dear, are you okay? I know it's a lot right now" Aviana snapped out of her haziness and looked around, trying to back away but failing when Nicole's hands came to rest on top of her shoulders. "Just give it a -"

"Can't you put me in the girls' group?"

Aviana watched as Nicole's face morphed into a look of shock before she tried to regain her composure. Her eyebrows were drawn together tightly in both confusion and surprise. "Like, if me being in a group is really necessary, can't you put me in the group with the girls?"

Whenever Aviana is worked up her voice comes out at a rapid pace - it was something that was pointed out by her friends a lot. Her usual manner of waiting on each word was thrown out the window as her tone was laced with an unfamiliar accent as well - another result of being in a state of panic and her senses high on alarm.

"What, Aviana - No, I -" Nicole Scherzinger was spluttering in front of them, clearly taken aback by the straightforward request thrown at her. "I can't, darling, I -"

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth Memberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن