Heart Like Yours

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(If the font is like this, it means they're talking in parseltongue!)


Love. A word that Y/N Riddle couldn't even say without her face scrunching up in disgust, only fools would believe in such a thing. Not only did she look like her father, The Dark Lord, she was also friendless like him. Coldhearted, empty, just exactly how her father raised her to be.

But she knew that she was trapped, imprisoned, if you would say, between the walls of judgement, oppresion and expectations that was built around her.

She walked over to the mirror, facing it only to find a complete and utter monster staring back, looking as wounded on the outside as she felt on the inside.

She knew she belonged to the side of the villains; A heartless girl with heartless motives and intentions.

And yet she fell for Gryffindor's Golden Girl, a muggle-born, the best friend of her father's main target. Hermione Jean Granger.

It felt wrong, unbalanced, and yet unfair. As though someone ripped the true story apart, to make the readers laugh at the stupid girl, whose morals were twisted by love.

But the love caused The Gryffindor's Golden Girl to care about the heartless girl. And for the heartless girl, to realise that she had a heart after all. It was just a tad bit fragile.

She held hatred for everything around her. Everyone who wronged her, defy her, walk near her, or even breath close to her. She hated every living thing, that was for sure and certain.

Yet there was something about the muggle-born. Something indescribable, that forced her to want the Gryffindor girl. All she knew that she would set the world on fire just to see her smile. She was prepared to give up her reputation for her, even the kingdom that she built with her father.

But this was simply just unrequited love. After all, how could a kind and soft heart like Hermione's, love a fragile heart like Y/N's?

"Hungry, Levi?" Y/N hissed out, looking up at her basilisk. "I'll see if father killed any more mudbloods for you and Nagini. Don't look at anyone who comes in. I don't want you to murder anyone...when I'm not watching."


Unrequited love. Such a pretty phrase for an ugly meaning. Hermione had, or is experiencing unrequited love, but it wasn't beautifully written like in books that she read.

No, this story was filled with despair, cries and screams of rejection, bathroom floors and tear-stained sheets. It was a story that was known to have a doomed ending, right from the beginning.

She felt love for her like no other. A love that was filled with utmost purity and genuineness, a love that reigned strong and bright, in matters of the weak and dark.

But it was also love that deemed forbidden, a love that was looked at as a crime by those clouded judgements.

And yet, all she wanted was to express her love to her.

In fact, she didn't love her. She fell in love with her. Despite knowing it was a gamble. A gamble that unfortunately didn't play in her favour.

"Ron?" called out Hermione uncertainly, feeling several feets shuffling from outside the tent. She stepped outside, something immediately grasping her head, covering her mouth as her scream was muffled.

"Let's take this lot to the Manor, yeah?" said a raspy voice.


Y/N walked upstairs to the living room, hearing cackled laughter and several screams and yells, making her quite curious. And oh boy, was she not expecting the source of the noise.

The bushy haired girl was on the floor, propped on her knees, her hands bounded by ropes. She looked up to see the person who had just entered the scene, feeling all the air in her lungs go away.

Hermione didn't quite know what to expect as her kind eyes met with the cold dark ones. Did she feel relieved? Pleasantly surprised, perhaps?

No words could be accumulated to describe both of their feelings, seeing eachother once again.

Y/N was the first to break eye contact, her eyes flickering up onto Bellatrix, who was pointed the tip of her wand at Hermione.

"Don't." demanded Y/N sternly, walking over to them. "I'll deal with the mudblood, you can deal with the rest." she said, jerking her head in Harry's and Ron's direction.

Bellatrix huffed, her lips curling into a mocking pout as she rolled her eyes, her hand falling to her side. Y/N took out her wand, pointing it at Hermione.

"Wingardium Leviosa." she muttered under her breath.

She completely ignored Ron's screams and pleads as she made her way down to her chamber, the bushy haired girl floating alongside her.

Once they reached, Y/N untied the ropes with a simple incantation. Hermione was watching her cautiously, not knowing what was about to happen.

Feeling quite flustered from the eye contact, her gaze averted on— on her pet?

"Why would you have a basilik in here!" gasped Hermione, averting her gaze back down on the floor. "Honestly! A basilisk! For Godric's sake!"

However, Y/N couldn't help but feel her lip curling into a small grin, despite the fact that the bushy haired girl was scolding her for having such a pet.

Hermione slowly looked back up, her heart melting at the look on Y/N's face.

It was quite rare to see her this way. Her usual glare had softened, and her frown had faded, replaced by an expression of unfamiliar longing.

"I..I kind of missed this feeling...more than I expected to." admitted Y/N,  the usual asperity and coldness in her voice long gone.

Y/N turned around, ordering her pet to stay away as she rummaged through her closet for clothes for the bushy haired girl.

Hermione sat on the bed, consumed in her thoughts. She thought that she wanted a soft person, who would shower her in compliments, buy her flowers and tell her how much they loved her.

But no, she loved a girl who seemed to have given up on loving. It was not her intention to fall for the girl who held hatred for everything.

But little did she know that she was the only exception to Y/N's rule. Y/N handed her some clothes, along with some books as they looked up at the ceiling, hearing screams and yells from upstairs.

Despite the chaotic scene above them, they had never felt more at peace by eachothers presence.

Hermione went into the bathroom to change. Several minutes passed and she came back, slumping on the bed as she grabbed one of the books.

They both read in silence, too shy to utter a word to eachother. Hermione read carefully, all her attention on the book. She was so focused, in fact, that she didn't notice the girl on front of her watching her with utter adoration.

Y/N's lip curled into a smile, watching how her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, recalling memories in the Hogwarts Castle in the previous year.

"I guess I don't hate spending time with you." muttered Y/N begrudgingly.

Hermione smiled, the sides of her eyes crinkling slightly, feeling quite happy that the girl made the first move.

"Be careful, that was almost a compliment." replied Hermione, a giggle escaping her lips.

Y/N attempted to hide the fact that her smile was only widening, yet she failed miserably, a sense of tranquility flowing through the air, along with their supressed love.


Next 2 chapters coming out tm. Yall might need tissues my eyes were sweating while I was writing it.

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