Mistletoe: 2

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"Godric!" gasped Hermione as she climbed out of the portrait hole, finding the platinum-haired girl standing right on front of her. "Don't ever do that again." she said in an exasperated voice.

"Whatever my pretty girl wants." hummed Y/N with her usual smile. Hermione opened her mouth slightly to scold her for this nickname, but she was so flustered that her words only became muffled and inaudible.

"W-What do you want, Malfoy." said Hermione quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she tried to regain her tough demeanor.

"I want to take you to Slughorns christmas party. As my date." said Y/N in a very straightforward manner, showing no hint of shyness.

"And why should I accept." retaliated Hermione with a huff, her eyebrows furrowing with slight suspicion, but she also found herself telling her heart to shut up as she swore it felt like it was about to pump out of her chest in excitement.

"Oh c'mon, Mione. Let's not forget about how I kept you company all through third year." said Y/N with a fake pout, trying the guilt-trip card on the bushy haired girl.

Hermione trapped her bottom lip between her teeth as she let out an exasperated sigh, giving the girl a roll of her eyes.

"Fine." said Hermione. "Consider it as a repayment so I'm no longer in your debt." she scoffed.

"Sounds fine to me." smiled Y/N.

"Okay, you got what you want. Now leave!" shooed Hermione with a scolding tone.

"Why don't you give me a reason to stay since we both know you want me to." countered Y/N with a challenging look plastered on her pale face.

"Oh for Godric's sake just leave!" scoffed a flustered Hermione, slamming the portrait door close at Y/N's face.

Hermione's back rested against the door, feeling her legs weak as she clutched her shirt were her heart was. She fluttered her eyes close as she tried to fight the grin that was about to form on her freckled face.

And Y/N was wearing the same grin from the other side of the door.


To say Hermione was nervous was quite an understatement. She was pacing around the room, fiddling with her thumbs as she kept asking her roommates if she looked okay.

"Hermione, you've been asking us that question for like the umpteenth time." said an exasperated Parvati, slumping down on her bed in exasperation.

"You look hot. Own it." shrugged Ginny. "Honestly, I think Y/N would still look at you in awe even if you wore a trashbag." she snorted.

Hermione let out a mix of a whimper and a gasp as she heard a knock on the door. She smoothed out her dress unnecessarily, making her way to the door.

She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the door knob, turning it and pulling it open.

Y/N could feel all the air in her lungs go away as she stared at the bushy haired girl. "Good God, have mercy." she said breathlessly, eyeing her down.

Y/N could never take her eyes off Hermione, but now? Oh Merlin, please give her strength. Hermione fiddled with her fingers nervously but almost immediately gained confident at the look plastered on Y/N's face.

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