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Update: continued it since I noticed some people enjoyed this:)


"Did you see Weasley acting all lovey dovey with Granger just a few minutes ago?" queried Pansy to Y/N, who was wearing a scowl on her face.

"Oh please. He's acting like he's the shit just because he's dating her now and then he's suddenly popular just because he saved one stupid goal in the quidditch match." scoffed Y/N. "Pathetic Weasley. I might as well kick a bludger at his head to give him a concussion."

"Do I hear my name?" sneered Ron from behind the two girls, accompanied by a certain bushy haired girl. "Look who's jealous, huh."

"Jealous?" repeated Y/N with raised eyebrows as she turned around to face the red-haired boy, flickering her eyes to Hermione before flickering them back up to Ron.

"Jealous that I've got the girl of your dreams, (Y/L/N)? Jealous that you're only second best to me?" said Ron with a confident smirk.

"Jealous." said Y/N slowly. "Your girlfriend is always screaming my name while I pleasure her, Weasley. So next time that you go down on her clit, tell me how my tongue tastes." she cooed out with a smirk.

Pansy and Hermione were looking at eachother with exasperated looks on their faces, yet they couldn't help but feel the urge to grin. Ron looked at Hermione in disbelief, wondering why she wasn't denying what Y/N had just claimed.

"Dumb Gryffindor." sighed Y/N with a mocking pout.

"I am not a dumb Gryffindor!" protested Ron angrily, his fists and jaw clenched tightly as his nostrils flared, his ears turning a dangerous shade of red.

"Oh yeah." said Y/N with a wide and obvious yawn. "And that's totally not my handprint around your girlfriend's neck, and my name is definitely not carved down on her upper thigh."

"Oh fuck you." sighed a rather flustered Hermione, her grin only widening as Y/N shot her a wink.

"Why don't you fuck me yourself? Call yourself a brave Gryffindor?" scoffed Y/N with a playful roll of her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as the two girls gave eachother a challenging look.

"Okay let's get to class, (Y/N/N)." snickered Pansy, basically dragging her best friend away from the couple.

"My room at eleven pm sharp, don't be late!" yelled Hermione.

"What the fuck, we're dating!" scowled Ron in disbelief.

"We WERE dating."


"Y/N, random question." said Pansy as they stepped into their dorm, settling themselves on top of Y/N's bed. "Do you think Granger's a badass?"

"Yeah I think she has a great ass." answered Y/N with a daze nod, before shaking her head, regaining herself. "Wait, what the hell was the question again?–" she queried as Pansy let out a snicker.

"Hold on," began Pansy, pointing a finger on Y/N's bedsheet. "I swear to Salazar, that's the exact shade of Granger's lipstick." she snickered, Y/N's eyes travelling down only to see her lipstick-stained sheets.


"I smell her perfume lingering on your bedsheet as well!" added Pansy, clutching her side after it began to hurt abit from the amount of laughter she was letting out. "Oh my god, and I thought you were bold as hell when you kissed her on front of Ron."

"I wasn't trying to kiss her on front of her boyfriend." huffed Y/N playfully. "I was just...uh– I needed the chapstick off her lips– speaking of chapstick, I need some right now, so excuse me and let me find Granger and—"

"(Y/L/N)!" yelled Ron's voice as his figure bursted into the room, his face looking quite as red as the Gryffindor scarf he was wearing.

"Hey, Weasley. Missed me?" said Y/N in a completely calm voice, sharing amused looks with Pansy from beside her.

"You fucking piece of shit– you said you were just gonna borrow Hermione for a few minutes." began Ron with a scoff.

"Yeah, and I returned her back to you." replied Y/N with an innocent look on her face.

"You returned her back with your handprints on her ass cheeks!" he yelled angrily.

"Oh. Oops?"

"Teenagers scare the living hell out of me." sighed Professor Mcgonagall from outside the room.


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