Chapter 12

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[Ron and Hermione]

They laid there glistening in sweat.

"That," Ron panted, "Was sooo worth the wait."

Given that the activity was postponed once and then disturbed again, they did not hesitate to resume when Hermione dashed back to their room the instant Harry left.

Hermione blushed and snuggled closer to Ron. They cuddled in each other's arms for a moment, their bare skin against one another, content. However, she gradually faded back to her analyzing and logical usual self. She started to ponder the encounter with Harry earlier. Well, much earlier.

She propped herself half-up with her elbow to face Ron.

"What do you think happened to Harry?"

Ron didn't bat an eyelid before replying, "Gay awakening?"

Hermione laughed. "Sure. But it felt different today."

Ron rolled around, facing Hermione. "That was him today?"


He swelled up with pride. "Huh. I guess you just couldn't miss-" he strutted for a bit- "this- any longer."

Hermione stifled a laugh by nuzzling her head in Ron's neck. "Actually, he said he wasn't ready to talk about it."

Ron groaned. "Aw, come ON!" Hermione giggled and subtly placed a kiss at the nape of his neck. Ron let out a little hum.

Hermione perfectly knew what she was doing but kept on talking.

"He looked troubled, but not troubled like yesterday. He had kind of an aura, but it's stupid, you know, I don't believe in that stuff." Hermione waved a hand. "But he felt somehow... radiant? Like he was concealing something complicated but happy."

Hermione rattled on as she slowly and secretively traced her fingers around his navel. A not-so-secretive moan escaped Ron's lips.

Ron's brain was straining to think properly with the magnificent distractions. "Maybe-" He bolted upright and broke free from Hermione's touch. "Blimey, 'Mione! He's met a guy!"

A wide smile spread across Hermione's face. Ron triumphantly fell back under the covers. He seldom figured out anything faster than Hemione. She sat up and hovered over Ron's upper body. She started to work her fingers from his neck down to his chest.

"Your mind works fast under seduction... that's rare in a man..."

She crawled closer to Ron. "I like that." Hermione practically growled.

Ron let out a gasp as her fingers reached his sensitive spot.

"Next time y-" Ron cut her off by flipping Hermione back on the bed and pressing his lips onto hers for the fiercest and most passionate kiss ever known to the world.

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