Chapter 43

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Harry's insides were writhing uncomfortably as he waited in front of his fireplace with Draco. He knew he really ought not to be that anxious, Hermione didn't for a second doubt Draco's innocence and agreed with Harry that all the name-calling, discrimination, and slapping were in the past. Even though Ron might be of some trouble, he trusted that he would keep himself together. He had particularly set a series of ground rules on their previous Drinks' Night.

Harry could tell Draco was just as nervous as he was. He wondered if his own face was also pale as chalk.

It was five o'clock on the dot and he braced himself. Sure enough, exactly one second later, Hermione was tumbling out of his fireplace, with Ron following closely behind.

"Hello, Harry!" Hermione hugged him warmly.

"Mate!" Ron clapped him on the back.

Hermione offered a handshake to Draco and she beamed at him. "Hello, Draco,"

"Hello- erm- Her- Hermione," he stammered. Harry could tell he was not at all familiar with the first-name basis.

Ron also shook his hand. "Don't worry, I'm still calling you Malfoy,"

"Good to see you, Weasley," Draco chuckled.

Harry relaxed a bit. They would get along just fine.

He led them all to the dining table. "I'm going to check in on our dinner, okay? I'll leave you guys to talk," Harry said. He padded to the kitchen, leaving the door slightly ajar to listen.

"So, er- Hermione," he heard Draco begin. "Harry tells me you've been working on a project at the Ministry?"

Harry could practically hear the sparkle in Hermione's eyes and chuckled silently. He had given Draco a 'Ron and 'Mione conversation 101' the previous evening.

"Oh, yes! Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare!" she chirped happily.

"So, S.P.E.W. for short?"

Harry had to hold back a laugh when Hermione sounded close to tears.

"Yes! Tell that to the boys, they always call it spew!"

The three of them laughed and Harry smiled to himself.

"I really like your work, from what Harry's told me. I think it's really nice that someone is taking charge and leading the wizarding world to be a better society."

"Oh, it's nothing, it's nothing," Hermione said. Harry knew she was definitely beaming.

"It would be more convincing if you weren't blushing," joked Ron.

Laughter filled the room and Harry sighed happily.

"How's business, Weasley?" Draco had moved on to Ron, charming his way through the two.

Harry checked on the soup and the baked potatoes, smiling as Ron chattered on about their new product of Toenail Tonic.

"It's Harry's idea, he found a spell three years ago, it's marvelous, you should see what it does to someone's nail..."

Harry piled the plates onto trays and poked his head out of the door.

"Supper's ready!"

Ron stopped mid-sentence and cheered. "Good, I'm starving!"

If there was something to drive Ron away from talking about Weasley's Wheezes, it was food.

Harry laid down the platters with his wand. Ron started stuffing his face with baked potatoes and garlic bread, while Draco leaned in and whispered into Harry's ear, "It looks delicious, sweetum."

Harry blushed a little and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He half-expected Ron to mime gagging or retching but he didn't and Harry was grateful. It might've also been related to the fact the Ron had his mouth full.

Hermione smiled knowingly at Harry. They continued to eat and chat smoothly as the evening progressed.

Soon, Harry was listening to Ron and Draco debate about the Chudley Cannons and Holyhead Harpies and he dipped into his homemade assorted berries fruit fool. Harry hummed quietly and happily, catching Hermione's eye. She beamed and gave him a wink.

Late into the night, as they gathered their things, about to head back home, Harry was pleased to see the boys enveloping into a one-armed hug.

"See you, man."

"You too, Weaselbie."

Ron's jaw dropped and he turned to Harry. "You told him?!"

Harry was laughing and choking at the same time, doubling over as the Granger-Weasley couple blushed furiously.

"What? I think it's cute that married couples have pet names for each other," Draco said, smiling good-naturedly.

"You'll pay for this, Harry."

"And I can't wait to see you next time, too."

They patted each other on the back and Hermione gave him the usual hug.

"Bye!" They both said as they were engulfed by the emerald flames.

"So," Harry turned to Draco, chewing his lip. "What do you think?"

"They couldn't be nicer," Draco replied, swiftly brushing his lips with his own.

"They like you. I can tell."

"I really hope so," Draco said, biting the inside of his cheek.

"They do. And you like them too, yeah?"

Draco smiled. "Yeah."

Harry grinned against his chest. "You're cute."

"You sound drunk."

"I'm not, I just like complimenting my boyfriend," Harry pouted and ruffled up Draco's soft blonde hair.

Draco smiled and kissed him.

"Just for the record, if you mess up my hair like that again, I'm going to hex you seven ways till Sunday."

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