Chapter 51

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"What the hell, mate?!" Chris whisper-screeched to Harry when he told him that he had befriended Amira Ferox yesterday.

"I'm gone for a day and you two somehow run off making friendship bracelets?"

"Hey, you've still got hell to pay for ditching us," Harry retorted. "We organized the bloody potions room for you. You owe us. Big time." Chris didn't need to know that Amira actually did all the work.

"Damn. The potions room? I told you Gunderson hates me."

"Yes, he does. But seriously, Ferox's okay."

"Fine. But if she starts that bloody airy tone like she's the top of the world with me again, I'm out."

The two of them made their way to training room F.

"Hello," Amira said looking up from her book, without any hint of arrogance.

"Hey, Amira," Harry said.

Chris only mumbled incoherently.

The pair went to the back of the classroom and set down their bags as usual.

"Hey! Where did all my doodles go?"

"I was assigned to do this room," Harry said. "Mind you, I was thoroughly pissed yesterday when I was scrubbing the one with everlasting ink."

"Your doodles in the training room we used for Defense are also gone. Sorry," Amira piped up.

"Aw, man! Wait, did you by any chance get rid of the singe?"

"Nope." Harry and Amira cackled loudly at the memory of the incident. Chris scowled.

"Hello, hello!" called Dora's familiar voice when she waltzed into the room. "Did you all have a nice break?"

The trio nodded in unison.

"Excellent! Now let's pick up from where we've left off, shall we?"

She pulled out her wand. "Vulnera Sanentur, the one to use in the most critical predicaments, as you all already know. We've been practicing this on unharmed skin for two weeks before Christmas break, it is now time to test our real skills."

The three of them paled slightly at the idea. Dora had promised them they wouldn't have to wound themselves when they started learning the spell, but to test the full strength of it will require a bone-deep wound.

"No worries!" Dora said brightly. She rifled in her handbag and pulled out a human arm nonchalantly like it was the most normal thing in the world. Chris seemed like he would puke.

"Oh, come on, Mr. Paisible, do you really think this is an actual human arm?" she laughed, the arm still in her hand. Chris stumbled backward a few steps as she lifted up the arm slightly.

She conjured a short podium with her wand and plopped the arm on it cheerfully. It landed with a very unpleasant 'squish.'

"Gather round! Within one foot of the podium, Mr. Paisible!"

Chris reluctantly stepped forward from the five feet radius he was maintaining.

"This," she caressed the arm, "Is an exact magical replica of a human arm. It simulates the precise blood flow and reaction of an arm when injured. Every vein, every muscle is carefully duplicated. These kinds of mock human body parts are constantly used when training for the Healing field." She gave an affectionate pinch to the arm and the fingers wiggled. It was an uncomfortable sight, to say the least.

"As you all know, the full strengths of Vulnera Sanentur would be able to heal bone-deep wounds. We will be using this arm to emulate the injuries and practice healing them."

Dora cleared her throat and steadied her wand. "Diffindo."

She sliced a deep gash across the arm and blood gushed out of the wound, pouring all over the podium. She parted the wound slightly with her wand for a better view. Chris retched.

Ignoring Chris- she probably was already used to him anyway- she continued on with a cheerful tone. "Now, see- this already is a deep wound, but it still isn't severe enough to test a full-powered Vulnera Sanentur." She repeated the severing charm and more blood ejected out of the wound. "That's about it!" she said brightly.

"Vulnera Sanentur!" Dora chanted, tracing her wand over the gash. The blood flow ceased. "When you're in a pressing situation, once will do the trick- it'll stop the blood flow and stabilize the wound," she said.

"Vulnera Sanentur!" she repeated. "If you have the chance, a second time will help it start healing." The wound started mending, the blood clearing out completely.

"Vulnera Sanentur!" she said a third time. The cut closed up, new skin was stretched over the wound, leaving a deep and visible scar. Harry winced. He wondered if Draco still had the scars on his chest from the sectumsempra incident.

"There!" she chirped happily, vanishing the blood on the podium. Dora summoned a bottle from her handbag and dribbled three drops of the contents over it. The scar thinned, lightened, and dissolved. Harry recognized the bottle as essence of dittany.

"Essence of dittany," Dora announced, confirming Harry's theory. "We'll be covering that when we're at healing potions."

They spent the following morning healing wounds that Dora made on the artificial arm. Only Harry succeeded to heal a double-severed wound by noon. He was definitely not complaining about his advance in Healing, but still reckoned it wasn't the greatest sign that he was good at it because he had so many headstarts.

The three of them went down to lunch together. After the healing classes started, Chris and Harry were able to sit together at meals since they practiced together, just like practical courses. This time, Amira joined them.

He mused over his mashed potatoes and gravy when Amira fended off a third gossiper that wanted to get to Harry. Yes, having Amira Ferox around definitely wasn't a bad thing.

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