Right Person - Chicago PD/ Maze Runner - Thomas Sangster

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*This chapter is a crossover between Chicago PD and the maze runner. To be more specific the character Thomas. This was also a request!*

Y/N = A girl

"I'm just saying! You need to finally settle down! Work isn't everything you know!" Anna adds as she smiles

"I know I just haven't met the right person yet!" You add as you turn back to your computer

"Your brother is a firefighter! He works with hotties every single day! And your telling me you haven't found the right one? Bullshit!" Anna adds

"Hold that thought. I've got in incoming trauma!" You say as you rise to your feet

You had been a Paediatric doctor for 3 years now. Your brother is Kelly Severide and he works along at firehouse 51. You had been best friends with Anna since you were 9, you both grew up together and she has a major crush on your brother. This weekend was the annual First responders bbq and your brother was making you go as all the Luitenents loved you.

On the other side of Chicago lived Thomas. He worked at the intelligence unit under Hank Voight. Thomas loves his job and is also being forced to go to the First responders BBQ

"Any hook ups this weekend?" Jay asks as he sits down

"Oh tons!" Thomas adds as he looks at Jay

"Spill!" Erin says as she walks in

"I was joking" Thomas adds as he laughs

It's a week later and the day of the BBQ.

"Why are you dragging me along to this?" You ask

"Because! Boden loves you! And so does Grissom!" Kelly explains as your dad walks in

"He's right princess. They love having you there!" Benny adds as he smiles

"So I'm being used so that Kelly can get a promotion! Wow! Talk about being the reject of the family!" You add as you finish up with your hair

Just the ghost comes running in

"Hello boy!" You say as you pet him

You have had epilepsy since a young age. You got diagnosed at the age of 6 and you got ghost when you were 20. You've had him for the last 4 years and he comes everywhere with you. He can sense when your about to have a seizure

"Are you ready Y/N?" Benny yells

"Coming! Come on boy!" You reply as you take his lead

After the 10 minute car drive you finally arrive. The BBQ is in the middle of a park and everything is in full swing

"Y/N!" Voight yells as he walks over to you

"Hey Voight!" You reply as he hugs you

Your eyes then fall to the man standing next to him

"Oh I totally forgot to mention this is Detective Sangster or Thomas" Voight explains as you turn to him

"Y/N Severide! Pleased to meet you" You add as he shakes your hand

"Who's this little guy?!" Thomas adds as he pets Ghost

"Oh that's my service dog Ghost!" You explain as he smiles

Voight then slips away leaving you two alone. You guys hit it off for the rest of the night and you arrive home smiling

"I'm surprised you didn't take him home with you" Kelly adds as he looks at you

"How dare you! I'm an angel! I don't do dirty things like that Mr Severide!" You reply as you laugh

"You two seemed to be hitting it off!" Kelly adds as he nudges your shoulder

"Maybe we did?" You reply before slipping into your room

It's a few weeks later and you and Thomas had been seeing a lot of each other. He cared for you and you cared for him. It was a normal day at work and you were doing your rounds as normal until

"Get your hands where I can see them!" A man yells as he points a gun towards your head

"Copy that" You reply as you put your hands up

The man then ties you all up keeping you hostage. Fire and PD get word about this and race to the scene

"We can't get eyes in there!" Voight explains

"I need to get my sister out!" Kelly argues

Without thinking Thomas runs in

"Sangster!" Voight yells but he's too late....

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