Chapter 1 Feet first into hell

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My eyes were assaulted by a vast blinding visage of preposterous colors I never thought could exist. Streams of light zipped past me at what seemed like FTL. I felt like a metal slug being shot at Mach speed to my end, to wherever Alice was. As suddenly as I entered, I was shot out into an alien sunset sky. With barely enough time to comprehend where I was, I was gliding like a fridge in freefall through the red sky. I could see the blood from my wounds trailing out from me. I flipped myself over so I could properly glide through the air, looking at the vast desert mountain range. Now, all I had to do was figure out if this armor had a flight package or parachute that would slow my descent into the ground. Unless I wanted to become a human meteorite.    

"Come on! There's gotta be something, help me out here Ch'zzisk?"  I saw that my altitude was 8 kilometers and dropping fast, fast enough to do a lot of damage. I noticed a message on my HUD. 'Activating aerogel fall dispersal system.' I heard clicks and the sound of vents opening; an almost weightless feeling came over me as I almost seemed to float upwards. "Whoa, that feels weird."   I was now at 5 kilometers but descending more slowly, how does that even work? Another message popped up. 'Activating fall protection! Prepare for impact!'  "What? Oh shit!"  The ground was now fast approaching, leaving me with the only option that remained, and that was to land in a way that would reduce my velocity significantly. I spotted a few deep canyons a few kilometers away. I just needed to glide my way over there. I had now reached 2 kilometers from the ground. I glided in between the red cliffs that reminded me of the canyons in Utah. I barely had enough time to finish that thought as I came into contact with the face of the cliff. Wall running along the cliff walls was the only thing I could do if I didn't want to drop like a rock to my death, The cliffs were sheer and one mistake would more than likely be lethal. I used my momentum to move from one side to the other, the speed and agility this armor gave me felt exhilarating, jumping from rock to rock made me feel like a superhero. Unfortunately, the rock beneath my feet gave out, sending me careening a little over a kilometer downwards. I didn't think I'd go out like this.          

I must've hit the ground hard as I could feel my consciousness fading, Maybe I should just rest here.- "Eck'toke, b'luh?"  Ting, ting. The feeling of being poked and the sound of unintelligible speaking woke me from my forced slumber. My eyes opened and all I saw were several...aliens? What the hell were they? They were ugly as sin, their faces looked like a mash-up of a spider and the predator.- "Ugh, where am I?"  I looked around while they were speaking amongst themselves, and I saw that I had made quite a crater in the ground. - "Tul eta?"  I had no fricken idea what they were saying, so I lifted myself out and loudly fell to the ground. My legs felt like jelly, this was rather embarrassing. "Bal' ut! Bal' ut yah!" Two of the aliens lifted me up and dragged me by my arms, they seemed to struggle a bit like they were children trying to carry an obese adult. I resisted by pushing the one to my right to the ground, then I flung the other one several meters away. I still couldn't walk so I propped myself up with my arms, even then I struggled. "Hok' ta grotu!"  The alien who was in charge said and then activated a staff, and an electrical charge came out of it.- "Woah, wait!"  That was all I could say before I was hit with a powerful shock, then black.          

The cool autumn breeze chilled my skin, then a warmth touched my cold hands, a soft hand, Alice's hand. I looked up to see her with one hand on a coffee cup and one hand on mine, she smiled at me in that way that always cheered me up. Oh, how I missed her so much. I was snapped out of my dream by whatever was shaking me, my eyes opened revealing that I was in a cage in the back of a vehicle. "Shit, what the hell did it hit me with?"  I took my helmet off to try and soothe my splitting headache, and then suddenly the vehicle stopped. I quickly put my helmet back on, and my HUD showed that I had several breaks and fractures in both of my legs. This armor must've pumped me full of painkillers, which explains why I feel numb to everything. Those aliens exited their vehicle, I counted 4 of them. They looked like scavengers to me, clearly not the police around here, wherever here was. "Armor, tell me if I have a translator."  The text said that there was an onboard translation plugin but that the language was unknown and that it would need time to translate. "Fuck me, well there goes that idea."  The aliens heard me talking and aimed their weapons at me. Putting my hands up was all I could do in my situation and even that was difficult due to the chains they put on my arms. 

"Ohuk ti bach." One of the aliens opened the cage door, he seemed rattled by something. 3 of them carried me out using devices that allowed them to carry me around without as much effort; where the hell were we going? I doubt it was anywhere I wanted to be that's for sure. As they carried me to our unknown destination, I noticed a disturbing amount of corpses and skeletal remains strewn about the area. "This place looks homely, did you decorate it this way?"  They all looked too scared to be paying attention, what were they so afraid of here?  When we got over the ridge I saw an almost sacrificial altar or a crucifix-esque wooden structure for that purpose, were they going to...? They were whispering to each other as we neared it.- "You're not sacrificing me here!"  I violently shook myself from their grip, falling to my knees.- "Pssh, lea qui."  The head alien whispered angrily. He charged his staff and shocked me again.- "Ahhh, goddammit!"  I was really starting to hate that, when I can walk again I'm shoving that thing down his throat, and if he doesn't have one, I'll make one.- "Hee hee hee."  A high-pitched laugh pierced our ears, it was coming from all around us. The aliens looked like they were about to shit themselves in terror, rubble from the surrounding rocks was falling on us from above. I could see something moving above us but it was too dark and fast to get a beat on it, what was stalking us? I managed to partially stand up and knocked two of my captures to the ground. "Should've been paying attention."  I hobbled as fast as I could but my legs were still messed up with only the drugs and my armor's artificial muscles to keep me going, it could be worse. There was a slope that led out of here.- "Hekt vol takuha!"  I only made it a few meters before I was hit with an energy blast to the leg, causing me to hit the ground like a sack of bricks. Everything went quiet when I turned around and saw what had been following us. It was a woman?  

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