Chapter 29 Siege of Jericho

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We made our way to the restaurant, and as we got closer, I could smell the savory smell in the air. We entered the small wooden lodge. It was a cozy little place, the soft hymes of instruments filled the room. It looked as though someone had converted a cabin into a tavern. The tavern was filled with patrons just relaxing after a hard day. We sat down at a table. I went to pick up a menu when my fingers pierced through the thick paper. I tried shaking it off futilely to no avail. The two snickered with each other as they watched me fumble with the paper menu. "Here, let me help you with that,"  Alice said as she reached to remove it from my fingers. - "I don't think you're supposed to do that to them. Maybe you should take those off."  Emily said, pointing at my gauntlets. I detached them and placed them beside me. Alice and Emily were talking about what they wanted to order. - "Hello, what will you three be ordering?"  A waiter asked us. They were one of those lizard aliens with enough limbs to put an Alsha to shame. I never heard what they were called, and asking would probably be inappropriate.

- "I'll have an ale with the sabala bread."  I ordered. I had seen some of that bread around and thought it looked good. I still wasn't sure what I wanted to order for dinner.

- "I will just have a cup of blood broth thank you."  Alice ordered politely. - "That one's a favorite of mine. it's good to see others enjoy my people's beverages and cuisine. Oh, you will love the sak'har seared steak."  He suggested. I looked at the menu to see how much it cost. It was 29 Helva so not too bad. - "That sounds good, I'll have that."  He wrote it down with three of his six arms. - "And you?"  He asked Emily  

- "A glass of zar'ish please."  Emily asked, looking oddly at the alien server. "What're your people called?"  She asked him. This caught him off guard. - "Oh, my people call ourselves the Kobalisk.  I don't believe I've seen your kind around here. Are you from one of the empire's mining colonies? "  He asked. - "We're not from around here. Can we get our order please?"  I asked sternly. - "Of course, my apologies."  He bowed and then walked away.

Alice gave me a concerned look. Emily was staring into space. - "The place seems nice. Almost seems like it could be somewhere back home."  I said, trying to start a conversation. - "It's not what I'd say is my kind of style, but it's good to try something new. Are you only ordering that or are you going to get something to eat?"  She asked me. I hadn't really looked at the food menu much, I just wanted something to drink and another to at least fill my stomach with something. - "I will, I'm just not sure what exactly."  I answered, looking at the menu again. - "With all this new sensory suite I've been upgraded with, I wonder if I'll be able to taste food." Metis spoke up. It was good that we weren't especially close to anyone and that there was enough noise to mask her voice.

- "How would you even be able to taste food?"  Emily snapped out of her daydreaming to ask. I kind of wondered that too. - "I found files within a few of my new systems that suggest I now have a taste function, I just haven't activated it out of not wanting to violate Damien's personal space."  She told Emily. That was oddly considerate of her, but not out of character. Metis was much different, yet still much the same as she had been since I found her in that capsule. I think maybe what those AIs did was make her more herself than anything. "That's really weird. But weirder yet, seeing you as a teenager. I'd been on the Umbra for a couple of weeks and had only seen you a few times, but it is kinda nice to see you as someone actually to speak to."   Emily said. She had her hand across her cheek, holding her face up, studying Metis. Metis simply smiled back at her.

-"So, what should we do tomorrow? I for one think a break would do us some good. Emily is already half asleep"  Metis suggested while pointing at Emily. Emily just waved her off. - "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but don't we have something important to do?"  I said. - "Today was a lot for all of us, including you. I believe tomorrow will be a well-earned day of relaxation for us all. We could spend all day in bed and eat, or just sleep all day and do nothing."               Alice laughed. I wanted to come up with a plan as to how we would take out the Alsha empire, even if it pushed me to my breaking point. But I didn't want to drag everyone down that path. I thought back to what the Hermit told me. About losing sight of myself and getting those I love hurt. While I was lost in thought, the waiter arrived with our drinks and Alice's food. Metis had already disappeared into my palm.

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