Chapter 25 Flesh coalesced

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I've missed sleeping in a bed that was mine, even though I had gotten used to sleeping in what was akin to an animal's den filled with scraps of cloth and other soft things. The bed we got was much better than the one in the motel and the one at the guild. The best part was that I got to share it with the person I love the most. I felt around for a chest to put my hand on yet there was no one there, I opened my eyes and saw I was the only one in bed. "Damien? Where'd you go?"    I said out loud but got no response. I got up to see where Damien was but I only saw Emily sleeping on top of the tall flat rock. I got out of bed to walk around and search for where he might be. I searched just about everywhere for him for a little while I gave up. I went to the rock and leaped up to the edge. While on all fours, I nudged a sleeping Emily who was sound asleep, wrapped in the blanket I gave her. - "Huh...uh what the fu...?"  She mumbled in a panic as she pulled out a knife from seemingly nowhere. "Alice? What the hell are you doing up here? I thought you were a wild animal there for a moment."  She exhaled as she lowered her knife.

- " Good morning and sorry for startling you. I can't seem to find Damien anywhere."   I told her. - "He's probably taking a piss around here somewhere."  She said, wiping the sleep from her eyes. - "Somehow, I don't think that's what he's doing. I hope he hasn't gone to do something reckless."  That would be ridiculous, he wouldn't do that. I pondered for a moment. Emily looked at me strangely, her brow raised. "What?"  I asked. - "You're...naked. Why didn't you put something on before waking me up?"  She said in annoyance while gesturing at my state of undress. - "Well it's not like you can see much, you're welcome by the way."  I said back with a snarky tone. - "Alright, fine. Get dressed or not then we'll search for him."  She said, picking up the blanket and then climbing down the rock. God. she sounded so much like him, only with more of an attitude.

I leaped down instead of climbing. Emily shot me a look then resumed climbing down. I must put my clothes back on in the meantime. Emily had gotten her armor on and then we had met on the side that overlooked the eastern side. - "Alright, where are you going to start looking?"  I asked her. - "No need, have you noticed something missing?"  She asked in return. I looked around for a moment for anything that might be missing. I then looked down to see that the buggy was gone. How could I be so blind and stupid? - "What the hell? He just drove off and left us here."  I said in disbelief. - "Yes, but what I want to know is why? Did he say anything to you last night, any mention that he might leave to go somewhere?"  She asked me agitatedly. - "No, nothing like that was ever brought up at all. Dammit, he's probably one of the people I've had the most difficulty reading. Nothing about last night indicated to me that anything was wrong."  I told her, frustrated with myself. She looked at me as I explained to her, then she looked around, focusing on anything that wasn't me.

Emily walked over to the ledge of the rock. - "We have to find him, I have no clue where he is but if he left us here it had to be because he's after something dangerous and doesn't want us to get hurt, or get in the way."  She explained rather succinctly. I think she was right. I just wish I knew how to find him, as good as my senses are, they're not strong enough to track him far.  "Since he's your boyfriend, where would he go first?"  She asked me. - "Well the first place that comes to mind is BloodRust, the closest town to us, and it's kinda been our area of operation since he got here."  I told her. She nodded then walked past me and hiked down the rock slant. - "Okay where are you going? It'll take us most of the day to get there."  I asked. Emily pressed something on her wrist. Next thing I knew I could hear the sound of a vehicle approaching us, but I couldn't see it. A black low-profile vehicle decloaked right in front of her, and then she pressed another button, opening the door for her. - "Get in."

- "What...where did you get this from?"  I asked, being rather confused. - "Just get whatever you need then I'll explain on the way."  I fought the urge to ask more questions. I made my way up the rock to get my things. Now I had to find a good container for my armor and other things to fit in. The box the blanket was in is too small, maybe...the one by the bed will do. I opened the larger grey box. There it was, the last remaining part of me that was normal, now all bone and cloth. I removed my old arm and placed it in the box with the blanket, then I packed my armor and stuff into it, then I grabbed the polearm and carried it all down with me. "You get everything you need?"  Emily asked me from inside the dark interior of the vehicle. - "Yes, um where should I put all this?"  I asked her, lifting the box for her to see. - "Put it in the back seat, you can sit in the passenger, also you can put your spear on the weapon rack on the roof."  She said, pointing up. And so I attached it. She had several rifles and other weapons up here. After putting the box in the back seat, I then sat in the passenger.

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