Chapter Part 3 fallen goddess

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"Armor can you integrate this AI into your um, programming I guess?"  (Yes, But foreign A.I. is damaged and degraded, and requires recompiling and memory defragment.)  What the hell could have damaged the Umbra's A.I. so badly? I held the module up in front of me, what exactly was I supposed to do? (Commencing armor to A.I. integration, please stand by.) I hobbled back to the vehicle to wait and rest until it was complete, my legs were in less pain than before, which made it much easier to walk. I relaxed for a few minutes then I saw that the integration process was finished. I felt a surge of energy flow throughout me, it painfully restricted the muscles in my body causing me to seize. I nearly passed out on the steering wheel, my body felt like it had been defibrillated. I exhaustedly looked at the text on my HUD. (A.I. integration complete, Crusader armor V.I going into standby mode.)  There was nothing but silence, I closed my eyes to rest.- "Hello?"  I heard a young feminine voice say. "Are you still operational sir?"  I heard the voice again, I was more lucid now.- "Who...who's saying that?"  I heard whispered mumbling.- "I am, who are you?"  The voice was inside my head, I could hear it as loud and clear as my thoughts, maybe even more so.- "My name's Damien, wait, are you the Umbra's A.I?"

-"Searching Umbra. The U.S.S.A. Umbra. Humanities oldest interstellar vessel, purpose? To transport Umaran artifacts to and from Earth; hmm interesting."  It sounded confused but curious, like a child learning something new.- "Do you still remember your name?"- "My name? I believed it started m but I am not certain."  How could a machine not remember its name?  It must have taken a lot of damage when it hit the ground.- "Your name is Metis, I only spoke to you a few times before. How damaged are your memories, I thought my armor would've fixed whatever damage you had, not hard reset you?"  It was silent for a moment, then it spoke up.- "My memories are how should I say? Fuzzy? They aren't corrupted or lost, just inaccessible."  I started up the vehicle, the rumble ached my muscles. "Where are we anyway? This doesn't look like earth."- "You know what Earth looks like?"  It chuckled softly- "Of course I do, It's one of my earliest memories. I was created on Earth." - "I have no idea what planet we're on, I traveled here through a portal a few hours ago along with someone else. I don't know if she's even still alive, I can only hope."

Driving through this dead wasteland only confused me, where was everyone? There was life on this planet, but where was it all?- "Detecting a possible place of settlement 1000 meters NW, should we go investigate? could be exciting, don't you think?"  That's quite the detection range it has, it would be helpful to know where I am. Though I must be prudent with how I deal with first contact, with how little experience we have with alien life other than the Voidrians; it could end very poorly. "So is that an affirmative or a negative, Damien?"  It said, breaking me out of my train of thought.- "That's an affirmative, keep me updated on any changes." Just over the ridge, we spotted what looked to be huge fortified barriers that were protecting something, and I intended to find out. - "Fuel at 25 percent, I'd suggest refueling there if possible. Hopefully the sentients there aren't hostile."  No kidding, I could barely stand as is. Defending myself would be very difficult, even with a high-end construct. I parked, I don't know about 100 or so feet away from the entrance, it was hard to think straight. "Your vitals read that you are very sleep-deprived and low on blood. You require at least 8 hours of rest and  1.5 liters of blood."  I closed my eyes as she was speaking, her calming voice lulled me into a peaceful sleep.                            

Dark shapes, all I can see are blackened contorted faces, grabbing out at me. I push them away, but they just keep coming, unceasingly. "Damien!"  I hear my name echo through the grungy metal corridor.- "Alice? Where are you?"  I shouted out into the abyss, uselessly. I stepped into the empty darkness, then I was confronted with bodies strewn about. The bodies of those who were with me on that day, when hell was unleashed onboard the Umbra. Simon, Ross, Lola, Helm, Tyson, Frank, and Alice. The faces of those I couldn't save, was this a dream, or am I still stuck in that hellish nightmare world? Still trapped aboard the Umbra. I cower on the cold floor, naked and exposed to everything. "Damien, I'm still here."  The voice whispered encouragingly.- "No, I can't! Not anymore, it's too much."  A disappointed sigh echoed over me.-"Then join the rest of the dead."  The voice said angrily. I felt a cold darkness wash over me, and then all around me, I heard wet snapping sounds. I looked up and saw them, splinters rising from the shadows. I just wanted to lay there and let them have me, but something inside me still wanted to survive. Not content with dying, I stood up with no pain in my legs.

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