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Aurora is roaming the crowd inside once again, in search of her father. Her heart has been beating out of her chest ever since her interaction with Tom a few minutes ago.

She tries to shake the feelings he awoke in her but it seems useless, so when a waiter comes up to her and offers her a drink, she grabs two glasses off the tray at once. Rory just smiles and shrugs at the waiter's questioning expression before quickly gulping down the contents of the glass in her left hand.

Robert spots her in the crowd and uses his fingers to whistle loudly, trying to catch her attention. He saw the way she scrunched her nose tensely before she drank the alcohol -a nervous habit of hers- and he was immediately filled with worry for his daughter. Her head snaps over to the source of the sharp sound and she heads over when she sees it's her dad. Aurora instantly walks into her father's embrace, trying to hide in his arms.

"Welcome back squirt. Where did you wander off to?" Robert asks.

"Just got some fresh air. My head's kinda foggy."

"Are you alright Rors?" he holds her face in his hands, forcing her to look in his eyes.

"Of course dad, everything's peachy." she forces a smile on her face.

"Come on then, everyone's waiting at the bar."

Robert throws an arm around her shoulder as he walks them over to their friends. When they arrive Aurora is instantly passed into the arms of a certain 6'3'' australian blondie. She shrieks in surprise but throws her arms over his shoulders while he lifts her up.

"My dear Ari, I missed you!" Chris exclaims in a booming voice.

"I missed you too Hemsy. I was looking for you earlier actually." she says while he lets go of her. When her feet touches the ground again, she fixes her dress and looks up at him.

"I know, Mark told me you were there but when I got back you were gone already." he explains.

"Okay okay, heartfelt reunion is over. Lets pretend like we're here too, thanks." Jeremy sasses.

Rory just holds up her middle finger with a sarcastic smile which earns a gasp from him, and a laugh from everyone else around them.

"You wound me, Rory"

"Love you too Jer" she chuckles.

"Finally, I thought you got lost mate" Chris's voice sounds again loudly as he claps Tom on the back.

Aurora looked at the older man and her gaze was immediately captivated by him once again, while warmth washed over her under his blue eyes.

"What a memorable moment, these two finally meet after all." says Evans.

"Hate to break it to ya Chrissy, but we already met."

"What the hell?" he asks back in surprise.

"Since uh when?" Hemsy butts in.

"Since around 10 minutes ago" Tom answers before she could.

"Damn it, I so wanted to see that." Scarlett jokes.

Aurora glares at her to which she responds with raising her eyebrows in question. Rory just shakes her head and mouth a 'later' to her, which she immediately understands.

The two women's silent conversation is interrupted by Robert excusing themselves and whisking his daughter away to the dance floor.

"I'm very proud of you honey. I know it wasn't easy for you to come." he tells her while they sway to the music.

"Thank you. It wasn't, but I wanted to be here for you. You don't deserve to be shut out, I'm so sorry."

She looks down at their feet because she's filled with guilt.

"Hey, look at me squirt. It's okay. You're coping, I understand. You don't have to feel guilty for taking time to yourself." his hand strokes her hair comfortingly.

"I love you dad." she responds and lays her head on his shoulder. They continue to dance for a while before Robert goes to fetch a drink for himself and leaves his daughter after a gentle squeeze on her shoulders.

Right as she starts to leave a large hand grabs her by the wrist. She whips around and after a second of panic she tries to calm her heart rate upon seeing a now familiar face.

"Can I have this dance, angel?" Tom's gentle voice speaks to her.

"Only one song because of the heart attack you just gave me. For the second time tonight, may I add." she answers and he immediately pulls her flush against his body, causing her to gasp which earns a grin from him.

The duo sways elegantly to the slow music and holds eye contact, as if nobody else is in the room. Her browns are full of raw emotion while his blues are shining with a glint of mischief.

Her breath is coming out raggedly, Tom's close proximity does things to her that she never felt before. He leans closer to her ear so she can hear him over the music.

"It wasn't my intention to scare you Aurora, I hope you can forgive me."

"It's fine, I've already been told I'm paranoid

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"It's fine, I've already been told I'm paranoid. I guess I just have a thing against sudden body contact." she frowns and tears her gaze away from Tom's face.

She searches the crowd, trying to ignore her raging feelings. Suddenly his hand lets go of hers and moves down to her waist, slowly caressing her back on the way. She grips his shoulder harder when goosebumps cover her skin by his touch, before locking her arms around his neck.

 She grips his shoulder harder when goosebumps cover her skin by his touch, before locking her arms around his neck

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"You don't seem to have a problem with it now, love." he says as his hands grab her waist firmly.

"You play a dangerous game Hiddleston." she whispers.

"I assure you, it's no game from my end." he responds cheekily.

On the other side of the room Chris and Scarlett are standing next to each other, sipping their drinks as they watch the scene unfold on the dance floor.

"I told you those two will hit it off." she says smugly.

"Fine, fine. You were right." he rolls his eyes playfully "It's crazy though. They met half an hour ago and I can already feel the tension from here." Chris laughs "I bet they'll hook up in like two weeks or something."

"I give it a month." she retorts as she turns towards her tall friend.


"You're on, Evans."

They both laugh as they shake hands.

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