Ghastly Behavior

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Present Day Nick's Arrival...

I look out my window in bewilderment.

There's Nick exiting his car, holding a luggage bag presumably full of clothes for the week. I sit by my window and stare for a couple more seconds, making sure my eyes are seeing correctly. After squinting and rubbing my eyes, clarifying what I saw was real, I went to the kitchen where George was on his phone scrolling through something.

"Hey George," I start, being awfully wary of how I word what I'm going to say. He looks up from his phone and waits patiently for me to start talking. I don't know why I'm so nervous. Maybe it's how scared and upset he was when we last talked about Nick, or maybe something inside my head said this was a bad idea. Either way, George had to know now. "Nick's here..." I mumble.

George's once content and happy face that had a slight crease in his cheeks due to a faint smile, dropped. His face went completely flat. He didn't look mad or upset, just emotionless.

"No he's not. You're joking." He states lifelessly, trying to look past me. His eyebrow twisted upwards in an assuming expression. My hands are nervously shaking and I can feel my foot tapping at a rapid pace. He normally can read me undoubtedly well. Now, he seems to be questioning himself.

I shake my head.

I watch him get up from the stool he was sitting at and rush over to the same window that I saw Nick exit his car from. Next thing I know, Nick is knocking on the door. George turns quickly around and walks up to me aggressively. He shoves a finger in my face and forcefully begins telling me what to do.

"... You MUST tell him to leave, Clay..." I zone in and out every sentence. This isn't the same George who I fell in love with. This isn't the same George that helped me out of bed when I felt like dying. This isn't the same George that I spent so many years online with getting to know better and better. This isn't George at all.

My brain can't comprehend the sudden aggression George is showing, it's driving me insane.

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