☞ act around celebs.

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how to act around celebrities:

disclaimer: this isn't for meet and greets, but for when you see them randomly.

- don't freak out and scream. just casually a approach the celebrity.
-  make eye contact and smile will make you seem confident, friendly and over all approachable.
- say "hi, how are you?" to the person. if they ignore you and look away she/he probably doesn't want to meet anyone. then just go away.
- talk about ordinary stuff but don't talk for too long since the celeb is probably busy.
- when you feel ready say "it was nice to talk to you, but I got to go!". it'll make the celeb happy since she/he probably are used to always have to close chats. aLao say "would you mind giving me your autograph on this paper?".
- when they gave you the autograph say "thank you" and wave goodbye.
- if she/he doesn't want to give you their autograph just say "okay, it's fine. nice to meet you anyway, bye!".
- remember to never ask for their phone number. if they're interested in you, she/he sure will ask for yours instead.

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