Less Shy

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how to be less shy:

∘ are you shy around everyone or are you only shy around new people? think about that, and what sort of shyness you're dealing with.

∘ when you know what sort of shyness you're dealing with, think about why you want to be less shy. to get more friends? to be less awkward? what's your reason?

∘ the best way to be less shy is to start out slowly. saying hi to people you don't know but meet while walking on the street can be a great start!

∘ try to look kind and approachable with nice posture and a smile on your face. people are then more likely to want to talk to you.

∘ don't feel bad if you won't get super outgoing after a night. getting less shy takes time depending on who you're and who's surrounding you.

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