Chapter 28:- Now In The Present

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"I'm just glad you made it out"

"He knew?" Connor asked surprised, "What was he waiting for then?"

Selena shook her head, "He had his suspicions, but he wasn't sure."

"So what happened next?" Ryan asked, leaning in slightly.


Selena stilled, she pulled back from him and stared at him with anger. Her brown eyes were now silver with a tint of purple in them, "What?" She sounded calm and yet anyone could see how angry she actually was. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would it make sense to say I didn't want to worry you?" he said and she sighed.

"Dad, these are the things that I am supposed to be worried about if I want to lead this pack," she said and he nodded his head, "So, why do you there is a traitor?"

"The patrol smelt gunpowder in the pack territory three miles from the border and with our patrol schedule they wouldn't have been able to get in if anyone from within the pack is not involved."

"So how does the coronation at this time help?"

"Not in any other particular way. I am growing old, sweetheart. This pack needs a young leader now. Two years might be too late. I know you want to wait for Connor but..." he looked almost defeated, like he had thought about it a lot, and Selena smiled looking at him.

"Hey, dad? The pack comes first for us, right?"

"Right," he said giving her a sad smile.

"Right then, I am going to meet Sammy and mom before I have to go for the ceremony."

Robert was going to say something when he stopped in his tracks. The way his hand curled was enough clue for Selena to know that something was wrong. Robert barely ever got angry and when he did, it never ended well for the other guy.

He turned to look at Selena before he spoke, "The hunters launched an attack against the pack," he said and left the room with Selena following close behind him now looking dangerous.

As soon as they got out of their house, it was like all hell broke loose. They got separated as Robert jumped straight into attack mode against the hunter closest to him while Selena paused to assess the situation.

She had stopped in the main lobby to see everyone fighting the guys with the guns. The weapons looked very modern. Being the strongest pack was not an advantage for them here, not when they had such advanced weaponry. Teeth were not really a strong weapon when compared with bullets.

The wolves were losing.

They were overpowered and outnumbered and Selena didn't know what to do. She ran out the main door to see what was going on outside and took the long way into the backyard to find Noah fighting a man with a knife. She could tell that he sensed her but he didn't stop the fight.

She looked around hoping to find his son and her best friend and her soon to be beta Jayce, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

A loud bang came from the left and she tore her eyes away from the fighting pack members to that direction only to see a woman standing with a smug expression on her face and a rifle in her hand.

With horror she looked back at Noah to see him lying in a pool of his own blood, his eyes unfocused.

Selena attacked a few and killed three hunters as she tried advancing towards the front gate. On reaching her destination, she saw her father recklessly fighting against three humans. His movements were sluggish and he was almost fighting like...

Survivor (#1 The Lost Crown Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin