Chapter 34:- Learning From My Mistakes

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"...a talk is long due"

The next day was another chaotic morning. Selena was initially awoken by the strange discomfort that seemed to be wrapped around her like a blanket. As soon as she had opened her eyes, she fully felt the raging environment of the packhouse. 

'Seems like the unhappy wolves got to Xavier first,' Izzy growled.

Selena sighed, she wanted to be able to tell him before the pack members broke the news in any other way. The attack on them changed her priorities. She couldn't even sleep well last night as Izzy was worried about Xavier, too worried to fall asleep.  

Selena shook her head and hurried downstairs only to find Xavier breathing heavily, his back was towards her but the stiffening of his muscles was enough to indicate that he knew she was there.

Roy stood on one side of him with Raymond, who was giving an evil smirk. Aiden stood on the other side with Connor but he looked at Selena with sheer hurt and pain.

Selena didn't need to see much more to confirm her guess. All these were related to the departure of Damien and Adriana. She looked at Connor who looked back at her with a poker face but Selena could see the distress.

'He is angry, I cannot link him,' he linked her.

She looked back at Xavier and the said man turned to look at Selena.

"What's the matter?" She asked like nothing is wrong.

Xavier became stiff. His eyes narrowed and he took three long steps and stood right in front of her. Selena stayed right where she was, she wasn't afraid.

"Do no pretend like nothing is wrong," he gritted, his eyes burning with the confusion and anger he was trying to control, "I leave for a few days, there was a rogue attack during that time, my beta is injured, and I come to hear that my parents have been 'thrown out'..."

"They weren't..."

Xavier glared at Connor, shutting him up. It wasn't that Connor was afraid, but he could understand that this was something these two needed to talk about.

"They aren't people who would just leave like that. He would never say that our pack lost its morals... he wouldn't just give up on these people, my family build this pack from the scratch, made us one of the strongest."

Selena could see Raymond furrowing his eyebrows from the corner of her eyes. She didn't know what to think of that, but she definitely didn't wanna talk to him like this in front of all the prying ears. She tried to link him again, but he was still too much hyped up to be connected to.

"So you're gonna put the blame on me again?"

Xavier's eyes glowed silver before he pressed them tightly together, "I didn't say that."

"Sure," Selena rolled her eyes.

"Guys, c'mon... this isn't gonna solve anything."

Two of them didn't pay any heed to Connor as Xavier held Selena by her shoulders and pushed her against the wall. Even while doing so, he placed his hand behind her head to make sure that he didn't hurt her.

Even though it looked rough to the surrounding eyes, Xavier only did it to be close to his mate, to acquire some strength and comfort from their bond. Their foreheads touched as they both took deep breaths. 

"Selena, I really, really don't wanna believe that you did it just for revenge. But there are a few of my pack members saying so and Connor wouldn't explain to me what the fuck is going on. I refuse to believe that you'd take my anger out on them. I've known you enough to know you wouldn't do that. Just tell me..."

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