Chapter 30:- Vyris To The Rescue

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"Oh, how you all have grown."

While standing on the podium, Selena let her eyes roam over the crowd of people in front of her with a hard look on her face. She stared down at everyone as they screamed to vocalize their distaste and anger towards the recent attacks and their concern towards the condition of their beta.

"Silence!" She said, completely in sync with Izzy, making her voice powerful, authoritative and loud enough to silence the displeased pack members.

Damien and Connor stood behind her as Ryan sat on a chair. A few minutes ago, Ryan had announced to his pack mates about the new wolf in charge. They had remained silent, after everything they made the girl go through, they didn't know how to react.

However, some of them had immense respect for her on seeing how much she had been through. They had bowed their heads, some as a sign of respect to her, and some only to show they respect the decision of their beta.

However, when Selena had announced three of the new rules she was bringing forth, none of them were too happy.

She hadn't made many changes. It was for a reason that the Ferocious Shadows was one of the strongest packs. So she had announced only three things that she felt were absolutely necessary.

She let all the people there see the determination and strength that she still held before she finally started speaking, "I know it is hard for you all to accept the changes, but it has been discussed with Alpha Xavier, and all the leaders in this pack have also accepted it. The only reason why I am announcing this is that your alpha isn't here, and the beta is injured, who has made me in charge until your alpha returns. So I figured this could be a sort of a formal introduction."

Everybody remained quiet on hearing Xavier's decision, some of them, the older wolves, looked at Damien too, to make sure that he too agreed to it and only silenced when they noticed his acceptance.

"The rules are simple." Selena maintained her loud voice. "The first rule is that everybody has to undergo the basic training of self-defence, we have hunters as our enemies, we cannot ever be more prepared. So knowing self-defence is absolutely necessary."

"We did have self-defence classes though. The alpha made us all go through training for years until he deemed us ready."

"I know," Selena nodded slightly, "But that was to defend yourselves against rogues. You need more agility, and presence of mind for hunters. Your strength wouldn't do shit if they have wolfsbane laced bullets aimed at your heart. Moreover, the warriors will be busy fighting the hunters, they might not have a chance to come to your rescue in the middle of thebattle. So you need to be prepared."

Low whispers were heard among all the hurdled pack members. Selena only had to wait for a few seconds until the wolves agreed. She then began speaking again.

"Rule Number two, the children will begin training from the age of ten. Now," She said before the members could even utter a word, "It won't be severe training, only the basic exercises which will help them develop more mind-body control, just so that they can control their wolves when they shift at 13, and for the current predicament, at least to enable them to hold their own in the worst-case scenario until anyone can come to their rescue."

Some of the parents look doubtful but most of them understood this and agreed too. Selena mentally relaxed, this was the one she was worried about.

"Finally, the last one," Selena said still maintaining the serious no-nonsense expression, "Cooking for your pack-mates is not a work that you can write as something for the omegas."

Silence prevailed. Everybody assumed where this conversation might be going and no one dared to utter a single word.

"Omegas might be the smaller of the lot but they are not your slaves." Damien frowned, ashamed of the way his pack members had treated her, "Treat them with the same amount of respect which you expect from the other wolves."

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