32. ⚔ Reyna Talks About Myles, Unclaimed Camper

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CW for this chapter: Mourning over a previously unnamed character.


7. We want all violence and brutality between gods and our people to end.


When the strike started at Camp Jupiter, tensions between demigods escalated. The gods figured that the strike would end soon and didn't communicate any efforts to change. The heat of summer faded. The strike stood, stubbornly and no one went on quests for the gods.

On a breezy August evening, Reyna pulled Annabeth aside to tell her what had happened at Camp Half-Blood. She knew that Annabeth was busy with schoolwork, especially after Annabeth had admitted that her performance on her Comparative Mythologies midterm had been subpar. It meant that her final exam grade was especially important. Still, Reyna wanted to tell Annabeth as soon as possible. She deserved to know.

During one of Annabeth's study breaks, Reyna joined Annabeth in her favorite study room in the library. The decoration was spartan, save for pictures of gods pinned on top of each other on corkboard to help Annabeth remember which gods were similar to each other.

Annabeth moved her backpack so that Reyna could sit down at the only free chair in the study room. They spoke about Annabeth's class for a while, which turned into gossip about Annabeth's professor's art, which turned into talk about Camp Half-Blood.

"Speaking of Camp Half-Blood," said Reyna, "I'm sure you've heard the news about what happened over the weekend?"

"No," admitted Annabeth. Her hands went through her curly blond hair. Reyna imagined how silky her hair must have felt. It was almost the same gesture her father made.

Annabeth flipped her ponytail to rest on her shoulder. It was so casual, but for some reason it was endearing.

"Are you familiar with a camper named Myles Morton?"

"No," said Annabeth.

Reyna nodded.

Reyna sat, back straight, with her hands clasped in her lap. She thought about how to formulate her response. She decided to tell Annabeth what had happened in chronological order.

Reyna explained, "On Friday, Myles left his archery class. The one taught by Chiron?"

Annabeth nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure you've been to them. Anyway, he visited a nearby gas station, off campgrounds, to buy candy."

Annabeth put down her pen and leaned forward.

Reyna stared at her clasped hands. "In the parking lot, a man on a motorcycle confronted Myles. According to the gas station clerk, the two got into an argument, then Myles climbed into the man's sidecar. The man drove away with him. Myles was never seen again."

Annabeth gasped. She put her hands over her mouth and motioned for Reyna to continue the story. Her eyes looked subdued somehow, filled with darkened clouds without rain.

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare worked as a sketch artist when she talked to the clerk. She basically confirmed that the man on the motorcycle was most likely Ares. When Rachel got back to camp, Nico di Angelo said that he sensed Myles's death."

"How old was he?" said Annabeth quietly.


Annabeth slumped in her chair. She crossed her arms over her chest as she processed the momentous revelation that Ares had apparently killed a camper. 

"Maybe I've seen him. Who's his godly parent?" asked Annabeth. She was looking at her study guide without seeing it.

"He still hasn't been claimed."

Annabeth shook her head. She covered her face.

"It's okay, Annabeth," said Reyna, but her words felt hollow. When Annabeth didn't move, Reyna got up to sit next to Annabeth. She put one arm over her shoulder. "It's okay, Annabeth," she said again in a whisper.

"What was he like?" Annabeth asked. She moved a little so that she and Reyna could share the same seat. "I never got to know him. There's never enough time to meet them."

"Myles was...well, Rachel told me that he was a cheerful person. He was a happy-go-lucky kind of person. He was not one to start a fight."

Annabeth turned and hugged Reyna.

Reyna's chin was on Annabeth's shoulder. She could smell Annabeth's coconut-scented conditioner. "I...Myles had never been great at archery. Or any kind of weaponry. But he made people laugh, you know? He could solve any argument. The Hermes kids said that he was the most supportive person in their cabin."

The girls held each other.

"There's going to be a vigil for Myles this afternoon," said Reyna finally. "Even though he's from a different camp...I'm bringing bubble gum. I'm going to give it as an offering."

When Annabeth released Reyna, she was surprised to see that Annabeth had been crying. Reyna rummaged through her things and found a clean cloth. Reyna gently wiped Annabeth's tears away.

"Why bubble gum?" Annabeth managed.

"It was the last thing he bought."


Reyna met Annabeth outside the barracks for the vigil. Annabeth had changed into a simple black outfit that brought out the gold of her hair.

They walked in silence toward the amphitheater. They lined up to burn offerings to Myles. Reyna had brought pink bubble gum. Annabeth burned a portion of cheesy pasta, which had been one of Myles's comfort foods.

After their offering, they chose a spot at the back of the amphitheater to watch the funerary scene on the eastern seaboard. A Fleecy message showed Camp Half-Blood burn Myles's shroud, emblazoned with a gold caduceus. Annabeth held Reyna's hand during the ceremony.

They watched as each Greek camp counselor named Myles an honorary member of their own cabin. For the next few days, the campfire at the heart of Camp Half-Blood burned black.

Myles's death was especially hard on the Hermes cabin. There was no word from the gods.


A/N: Thank you for your support! 

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