...Child (6)

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Alternate name : She's my Hero

Back a few minutes ago.

???'s Pov
I ran away from the scene only for strangers run towards me. I didn't mean to hurt them I couldn't control it. I couldn't control it once more I did the same to my family before they took me against will. I don't want to go back. I silently cried as I continue to run I felt tired.... where we're the heroes.

Didn't they help people in need?
Why isn't anyone helping ?
Someone .... Anyone please help me.

People gave me looks but ignored me thinking maybe I was a disobedient child running from there parents. Tears ran down Mr cheeks slightly as I sniffled a bit I soon breathed heavily as I tried to catch my breath as I ran in an ally way soon at the end I bump into someone.

"GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING RAT!!!" The person yells out. I whimper slightly and soon I find myself in the person I bump into's arms as they sprinted away with another child in there hands.


They ran around people and objects I clutch myself tightly against this person as I held my pinkie's up. I soon stared at them with hope. Her semi long (h/c) hair flew behind her. The little pony tail she had bounce as the rest flew behind her hair like a cape.

"She's saving me ? " I thought to myself as she ran further away soon she notices that there gone we stopped at a beach. The cold sand underneath my feet. I didn't look up but notice her hand move slightly towards my head. I flinch as I though she was going to hit me but I felt warm.

Her hand softly ruffled my messy light blue locks. She crouch down as she continue to pet hair. I lean toward her touch. She soon said words I don't think anyone has ever told me.

"Are you ok?" She said in soft tone. I slightly whimpered as tears stream my face. She tried to hold my hand but I flinch back and yelled at her.


Nobody's pov / Everyone's pov/ Mix pov
Guessing time .....

I stared at the boy in shock. "He doesn't want to hurt me? " I though to myself as Izuku looms over my shoulder to see the boy. "Could it be that he thinks his quirk is dangerous ? Is that why he was running away ? " I slightly mumbled in he head as I gave a soft glance at the boy.

" Its fine sweetie. " I said in a soft tone. " You didn't hurt me when I was running away. I notice that not all ten finger where griping on my shirt. Your quirk it activates when all 5 finger pads touches a surface right? "

He slightly nods as he shivers in fear. " She's going to think im a monster now. " he thought to himself.

Soon I checked in my pockets and grab two All Might band-aid's and face Izuku. "You don't mind if I used this to help the kid do you sweetie " He just shakes his head no.

"He need it more than me mama right? I nodded as I gave him a peck on his cheeks as I face the kid once once more and grab his arm and softly pull it forward for I can see his finger pads. He struggled slightly. I gave him a a soft yet stern look that made him stop struggling for a moment.

I wrapped the All Might band-aid on his pinky. As I finish I place his finger tips on mine making him panic and be force his eyes shut.

After a few seconds he still felt the warmth. I open my eyes slighlty, and my eyes widen in shock."She's still here. She's still alive. "

" You're not gone. You're still here" I mumbled as she bandage my other pinky. I soon cried as I launch myself at her hugging her close knowing she won't disapeard.

The fluffy green been pouted as (y/n ) pulled him it the hug. He smiled in glee as he snuggled close. Soon after the hugging and crying fest stop only sniffles where heard from this blue hair child.

" Hey I never got the chance to ask but what's your name? " (Y/n) question as she tilted her head.

"Shimura Tenko .... Age 10 but they called me Shigaraki Tomura." He mumbled slightly (Y/n) thought for a second but before she could say anything Izuku introduce himself and his mom.

" Im Midoriya Izuku and this is Midoriya (Y/n). Im 5 nice to meet you" Shigaraki slightly squinted his eyes at the bright ball of sunshine. Soon (Y/n) petted both there heads.

" Izuku. How will you like a big brother and Tenko how will you like a little brother?" Both boys stared at the woman. One in shock and disbelief And the other out of pure happiness. " That is if you agree Tenko. "

"Yea yea I always wanted a big brother ! " Izuku yelled out in glee as he hopped around. Shimura just stared in disbelief.

" You want to adopt me? " He whispered slightly. (Y/n) gave his nose a slight tap and smiled.

"Well of course silly. Who else? So will you like to be Midoriya Tenko or Midoriya Tomura.?"
Tenko just gave a big smile.

"Which ever is good just as long as im a Midoriya everything will be fine. " As soon as he said that his stomach growled making him blush put of embarrassment. That made the freckle duo laugh soon Tomura laugh as well.

" Well Tomura lets get you something to eat. How do crapes sound boys ? " (Y/n) question at her two children. Izuku and Tomura nodded.

" Crapes , crapes , crapes " Izuku chanted as he jumped around. Tomura grab (Y/n) hand and smiled.

" Crapes? Sound good cane wait." With that being said Izuku ran towards Tomura's other side and held his hand making Tomura slightly flush a pink shade. The adorable green bunny made the light blue blueberry shy and all flustered making mama bunny squeal at the interaction of her two children.

"Man the paper work is going to be a pain but its totally worth it" she thought to herself as they walked away together like a family.

"She's my hero and i'll love my new mother and brother with all the love I can give. I don't need a so call hero when my mom is the number one hero for me. " Tomura thought to himself as he grips both (Y/n) and Izuku hands tight. But not to tight. The type a tightness you'll use when you know they won't hurt you but at the same time are afraid to leave you.

The touch starve child needs no hero he has a beautiful kind mother and an innocent and sweet brother by his side , and that will not change......... Well there might be a new addition the but who knows. All he knows is that he is free and home.

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara