No Quirk (14)

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Its been a few days in the Midoriya's house hold. Izuku woke up very early today since today's the day they check if he has a quirk. Izuku jumped on Tomura as he groan as he semi push Izuku's face from his.

"Wake up ,wake up ,wake up " Izuku slightly yelled rocking Tomura's body back and fort in his bed. Only to yelp as Tomura grab him and snuggled him.  Izuku whined and struggled out of his grip only to give up and pout in defeat. 

Tomura groan as he open half way his eye to see the pouting green fuzzball.  He yawn a bit making Izuku yawn as well. 

"Why are you even up? " Tomura question as he was blinded by Izuku's sparkly eyes making him mentally hiss at the sight.

Izuku struggled to get out of his brothers grip and he did but he fell on the floor with a small thud. They where in silence for a bit before Izuku pop back up.  His fluffy hair moving up and down by his action.

"Today's the day I get to see if I have a quirk.  I hope I get a cool quirk like yours or like All Might. " Izuku said with glee. Tomura felt conflicted at this point and irritated. He didn't want his little brother to have a dangerous quirk like his or like that stupid hero that the little broccoli boy admires. Tomura sigh as he got up making Izuku bounce. 

"Im up " Tomura yawn a bit as Izuku went to his mothers room to wake her up as well.  Leaving Tomura alone to get dress. Quite grumpily I might add.

Izuku's little feet made a putter patter sound on the wooden floor as he went to his mom's room. Pushing the door quietly entering he sneaks to his mom's bed. (Y/n) laid there asleep her hair all over the place making it look a bit similar to her children's hair. (Y/n) slightly snored as she drooled a bit.  Izuku smiled as he climbed up the bed slightly struggling a bit but he manage.  He lean his head toward (Y/n)'s forehead and bumps it slightly.  Making (y/n) stir in her sleep slightly as she semi opens her eyes.

Her half litead eyes landed on the happy child making her smile a bit as she nuzzles her forehead on his.

"Morning Zu , what's got you up so early sweetie? " (Y/n) questions as she slowly gets half her body up. Cleaning of the drool from her lips. Izuku then flops on his stomach onto her thighs.

"Today's the day of my check up mommy " Izuku said with glee as he smiles.  Making (y/n) smile slightly but also have a grim look in her eyes. She feared this day the moment she gave birth to him.

Every child wants a quirk.  To be a great strong hero , But (Y /n ) is a quirkless woman and her husband had well she really didn't know if he had a quirk or not.  He never showed it or explained it when they wear married or when they where dating.  He never talked about his past since he never could recall any memories of his youth.
(Y/n) gave a small head pat at the happy go lucky child on her lap as she picked him up and hug him close to her chest. 

"Your right silly me how could I forget such a big day. " "How I wish this day never came. " " Let's get you dress and fed I think Tomu already finish. "

With a quick nod Izuku leaped out of her arms and ran towards his mom leaving (Y/n) alone in her room to get dress for this dreadful day. She wore a black turtle neck sweater and some blue mom jeans with the Midoriya red shoes.

(Y/n) sign as she looked in the mirror fixing her hair into a high ponytail tied up with a red ribbon. Her bangs fell into place around her face.  She then smacked her cheeks with both hand then slightly pulled on them. 

"Quirk or no quirk my son will have my guidance ,ill  be there for my son and give him all the attention he needs. If he has no quirk ill teach him that he does not need a quirk to be a hero. Im not failing my children. " (Y/n ) smiled with determination as she went to make a quick breakfast waiting for Tomura to come down and eat and for Izuku to call her if he needs help putting on his clothes.

As (y/n) finish making breakfast both children came down well Tomura was carrying Izuku on his back as the small child hang lose on his back with a smile. Tomura has on a blue long sleeve shirt. While Izuku had a white t-shirt and military green pants. Both are wearing red shoes.

"Morning mommy/mom" they both said as the sat down and began to eat. Izuku ate pretty quick worrying both his mom and brother at the fact he might choke.

When he finish he slightly bounce on the chair.  He could not contain his eagerness.  (Y/n) gave a smile while Tomura grumbles. 

"Too much energy " He thought to himself squinting his eyes a bit do to the brightness the small child was giving off.

Time skip hospital

(Y/n) and her boys walked toward the hospital.  Well Izuku full on sprinted towards the building making both his mom and brother run after him.

"IZUKU WAIT !!!!" (Y/n) yelled out trying to match his speed but at the same time not wanting to leave Tomura.

"MOM.... WHAT DO YOU FEED HIM ....TO GIVE ...HIM SO.. MUCH ENERGY !!! " Tomura yelled out as he gasp for air.  Running was a no go for him. (Y/n) let out a slight chuckle as she picked up Tomura with ease making him yelp out in surprise wrapping his arms around her neck as she ran faster.  He panted slightly trying to catch his breath.

"Darling, I don't know.  I wish I did but Izuku is literally a ball off energy.  " (Y/n) said as she finally caught up with the green fluff ball also picking him up. Making Izuku squeal.

Tomura deadpalm as he smack The top of Izuku's head.  Making the said boy yelp rubbing the sore spot.

"Don't run of like that me and mom couldn't catch up with you. " Tomura said as he cross his arms as he pouted and glare slightly at the small child in his mom's arms. Izuku return the pout as he clung on his mom's arms and snuggled his face on (Y/n)'s collar. 

"Mommy! Tomura hit me !" Izuku whine as his voice was muffled a bit. Tomura then slightly shove Izuku with his foot.

"You deserved it " he retorted he stuck out his tongue making Izuku return the favor. (Y/n) mushrooms  sighs at her boys as she walks inside the hospital.

They waited a bit for the doctor to get ready , and with that the check up started. Izuku was exited for the results and got his check up done quick but with Tomura it took a while. He kept  hissing  at the nurse who tried to test his reflexes and shove a stick in his mouth. He bit on it and dud not let it go.  Making Izuku laugh and (Y/n) sign for the fifth take this hour.

(Y/n) softly whack Tomura's head. "Drop that Tomu". She then turn the face the nurse and gave a sheepish smile and bowed her head slightly.  "Im sorry for the trouble. " This made the nurse chuckle softly waving her off telling her its fine.

With that being done they waited for Izuku's results. ...

They all sat in the chairs as the doctor came in with papers in his hands.  Izuku's results.

"Im sorry kid but you have a double joint, which means you don't have a quirk ". That being said Izuku's whole reality and dream came crashing down right infront of him. He trembles as he hiccups.  Tomura and (Y/n) held his hands. As he silently cries. He could never be a hero now.

The doctor signs as he leaves. As if this wasn't his fault the child broke down in tears right infront of him.

"I can't be a hero now..... Im sorry mommy " Izuku hiccups as his eyes glicen. (Y/n) hugs her child consoling him.

"Quirk or no quirk I don't care because you are MY hero. I can train you to fight and Mia can help you create gadgets for your hero costume.  Never give up on your dreams even if people tell you other wise. "

Tomura then spoke up as he rubs Izuku's green/black curls. " Yea what mum said you could be the first ever quirkless hero who reaches the top. "

Izuku stares up at them with hope in his eyes. He was sandwich in a side hug by his mom and brother. Izuku's eyes flicker, They still believe in him and want to help him achieve his dream and with that he won't ever give up. "I'll be a super strong quirkless hero that will save people.  I can't give up not for mommy or Tomu . " He looked down at his small chubby hands as he clench them before releasing " but I still wish I had a quirk.

They hugged in confertable silence and stayed there for a while. Hugging there young hero in the making.

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]Where stories live. Discover now