don't assume

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Sapnap blinked his eyes a few times, allowing his eyes to adjust to the light of wherever he was. His brain was a swirl of different memories and events, making it impossible to distinguish how he got here. Every time he tried to grab onto what he believed could have happened, it slipped through his fingers. All he knew was that he seemed to be trapped here. Wherever that was.

It was no bigger than a hotel room, and had one window that allowed rays of bright light in.The walls were a pastel green, and all along the walls were pots of flowers. Some hung from the wall in small pots, while others were placed in small pots along a hanging shelf. All the furniture was white and clean, including a dresser and bedside table.

"Where the hell am I?"

"You're with me."

Sapnap's head shot up, eyes constantly traveling to the source of the noise.

A tall man, loose posture, green eyes, and a smirk. Suddenly all that had occurred last night hit Sapnap over the head. "What did you do to me?!"

The man looked at him as if he was trying to explain something to a less than intelligent child, "I took you home, I drugged you, and then I put you in my basement."

Sapnap's heart was racing at this point, he needed to go home. He needed to go home now. His knees hit the floor with a painful thump. His head was pounding and air was getting harder and harder to bring in. His head hung down as he tried to collect the air that seemed to be escaping him.

A hand rubbed against his back and urged him to lean back into something. That something was warm and comfortable. Sapnap could feel the lump in his throat dissipating by the second.

"Shhhh doll, you're somewhere better now. You'll be treated like you have always deserved."

The dark edges of Sapnap's vision were now beginning to fade away. He found himself staring at the wall of plants. Particularly in the corner, where a pot held dozens of green leaves spilling out with large buds scattered in the mess. "Lilies..."

"That's right sweetheart. They are so..." the man's voice ebbed off for a moment, "fragile. They remind me of you. You need much more nurturing than you're getting, and when it comes for you to bloom..." Sapnap felt a breath of warm air on the back of his neck, "there you will be in all of your delicate beauty. My centerpiece to show off to the whole town."

Sapnap's words were soft as he replied, "they are usually low maintenance plants."

"Maybe so, but when treated above and beyond..." a hand trailed up his spine, stopping at the nape of his neck, "they excel." A soft pair of lips brushed the back of his neck before everything disappeared entirely. The contact, the warmth.

Sapnap's half-lidded eyes glanced up to the man who was now standing above him. "I have got to go, darling." He moved his left hand to establish a gentle grip on Sapnap's jaw. "You'll be good won't you doll?"

Sapnap could hardly resist nodding when he said it like that.

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