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Sapnap woke up to the hustle and bustle of people moving around his hospital room, from a quick look at his clock, it was nowhere close to his discharge time. He watched as a couple nurses went back and forth across the room, clearly stressing about something. As soon as one realized that he was awake, they sprung towards him.

"Good morning Sapnap!"

He squinted at them. "Is it really?"

The shorter nurse of the two practically deflated. "Morning? Yes. Not good, admittedly."

The other nurse smiled despite his partner's depressing tone, "we are trying to get it all worked out though. We'd recommend that you get an hour or two of rest in before we get the doc in to give you the green light to get out of here."

Sapnap wouldn't lie, the allure of sleep was tempting him. He had slept plenty these past few days, but even talking seemed to drain him of energy. He shook his head at the nurses. "Does it have to do anything with me?"

Based on the way the two nurses looked at eachother, it definitely did.

"Look, just tell me guys. If you don't tell me now it'll come and bite me in the ass later."

The man gave a tight smile, "The police are here to question you about your disappearance before you leave. We are trying to tell them you need some time but they want information as soon as possible."

Sapnap sighed. He should have known his immunity from the outside world ended the moment he got himself put in a hospital. "Can I just give you what I know and go to sleep? Everything is in bits and pieces, and I don't want to deal with being interrogated by the cops right now...." he felt awful lying to the nurses, but he knew it was a necessary evil.

The shorter nurse seemed to ponder the offer before she pulled a pen and notepad out of seemingly nowhere. "We can at least try. We care more about your recovery than them right now. And you need sleep to recover." she gave him a nod to proceed.

Sapnap didn't want to fabricate the story too much, but telling too much of the truth would land him and Dream far away from each other.

"I went out shopping late at night, I don't have a great collection of where it was... All I really recall from that night is feeling weird. Like someone was watching me." he closed his eyes. "I think he might have drugged me. I don't think I had much of an opportunity to fight back."

He opened his eyes again and made eye contact with the nurse. "That's all I can think of right this second about the night I actually got stolen. Other than that, the time I spent there was a blur. I spent most of my time in one room with no windows so I had no concept of time. I wasn't really injured with one great exception." Sapnap made sure to shrug, "it was by no means fun, but I consider the fact that he was at least slightly nice a blessing. '' he was growing tired again. "He left the door unlocked one day, so I made a run for it. I didn't get very far at all. He brought me back to the room and stabbed me." Sapnap shrugged, "I figure he thought there was no way I'd survive, so he left a phone behind... then I guess you guys would know what happened next."

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