a horrible goodbye

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It was cool outside, every breath was followed by steam coming from his lips. His nose was already being bitten by the wind and his fingers were sure to follow. In his hand he held a tight grip of his ring. It was warm in his palm now, but he refused the urge to put it on.

"C'mon doll, I don't want to be out here for too long."

Sapnap had honestly been surprised he had been let out at all. Then again, it seemed fairly obvious to the both of them there was no reason for him to run. Chances are he'll end up in the meaningless and stagnant relationship before. Even though he had only had a sample of what the other man could offer, he was not going back.

He felt the other man grab his wrist. While not romantic in the slightest, it made Sapnap's cheeks grow a little warmer. They slowly began to walk. To any odd passersby, they would probably appear as an eccentric couple out for a late stroll of the town.

Though the man had warned severely of the stakes at risk if they got caught, they left the home.

"I miss being outside." Which was true. He wasn't even sure how long he had been in that basement with only the small window. Though it was a comfortable room, it lacked the space and change of nature that he adored.

The man chuckled beside him, "you could have just asked to go outside you know? I have a huge backyard."

Sapnap shook his head, "Where do you live anyway? I had never seen your house before you snatched me."

The man looked around as if someone had heard that before he sighed and shook his head, "you really need to stop saying I stole you doll, but regardless, it is a hard house to see if you are not actively looking, plus the trail that leads to it is considered restricted. So the only way someone would find it is if they were actively breaking the law."

"Almost like you were kidnapping me?"


Sapnap froze in place, looking at the man. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to come off aggressive." He got wrapped up in a warm hug, "if they find out the circumstances they would take you from me."

A shock of fear went through Sapnap's system. "Take me?"

"Yes, they would take you and put me in prison. Leave you to fend for yourself."

Oddly enough, his eyelashes grew damp just thinking about it. "I don't want that at all!"

"I know doll, that's you can't say things like that, even if it seems we are alone out here." He released his grip and gave Sapnap a kiss on the forehead. "I did not mean to scare you sweetheart."

Sapnap sniffled a few times before he pulled himself out of it and started walking again. The crunch of stale leaves under his heel brought him back to reality of the situation. He opened his palm and examined the ring.

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