September 1st

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  6th Year


  The summer had flown by. It was already the morning of September 1st, and Fawn had no idea where the time had gone.

  The past two months she wouldn't trade for anything. Daily Quidditch scrimmages in the backyard, gossip sessions hosted mainly by Sirius, bonfires and s'mores under the stars, board games that often ended in popcorn fights and wrestling like siblings, made for the best summer she had ever experienced. She had nearly forgotten that she wasn't in fact one of the Marauders. That her time was the 1990's with James' unborn son and not the 70's that she so desperately adored.

  OWL's had come three weeks ago. Fawn didn't know how, but Dumbledore had managed to get her results.

  James had ripped the parchment from her hand before she even had a chance to look, "Seven? Bloody hell that's great! Three O's, three E's and an A in History of Magic." Fawn grinned in pride at herself, she had figured she'd only get five.

  "Let me see!" Sirius screeched grabbing the report from James, "Wow you only go Poor's on the others. Wait," Sirius scrutinized the paper, "Why does this say 1996? Shouldn't it be 1976?"

  Fawn quickly snatched the paper. Sure enough, her give away was staring her straight in the face. "Um, must be a mistake." These boys luckily weren't too observant and bought the lie with ease.

  She had to admit that she was disappointed to find she had gotten a Poor in Potions. As much as she hated Snape as a teacher, she needed the class for her future career. She also had gotten a Poor in Arithmancy, but that wasn't so bad. She hadn't understood that class anyway, Hermione had just talked her into taking it.

  "Ready to go kids?" Monty asked as he levitated the last trunk down the stairs. They all gave their confirmations and were off.

"Hogwarts here we come!" James sang as they walked out the door.

   A few minutes after settling into a compartment a tall and lanky boy entered.

"Hi Moony!" Sirius shouted enthusiastically.
Fawn knew immediately that this was her ex-professor, Remus Lupin. It was strange to see him so young.

  "Remus, come meet our new best friend." James announced as he beckoned the boy in. "This is Fawn Briggs she's been staying at the Manor with Sirius and I. Fawn, this is Remus Moony Lupin."

   Fawn waved at him from her spot beside James. "Hey."

  "Hi, nice to meet you. Are you a transfer?"

  "Yeah she's from America," Sirius answered for her. "She's pretty great."

Remus nodded as he took a seat next to Sirius. "Wormy not here yet?"

  "Nah he's always late."

  Fawn frowned. She knew that the last person they were waiting for was Peter Pettigrew. Someone she was not excited about meeting.

  A moment later Peter stumbled into the compartment, buttons done up haphazardly, bags thumping behind him. "Sorry I'm late, Mum forgot it was the 1st."

    The boys laughed while Fawn's lips tightened. "No problem mate, come join us. This is Fawn by the way."

  Peter waved at her awkwardly. "Hi, I'm Peter."

  Fawn gave him a nod before turning her head out the window. "Always pretty this time of year," she commented, being sure to not sound too rude.

  Eventually the train pulled into Hogsmeade station and their sixth year began.

  After the announcements and opening feast, Fawn found herself in the familiar dorm room.
Her roommates were, of course, Lily Evans, whom she'd already met and heard far too much about, along with two girls that she didn't know; Marlene McKinnon and Alice Fortescue.

  Marlene immediately ambushed her on the topic of Quidditch. Fawn was more than happy to tell her that she played Chaser.

  "Wicked! James and this 7th year girl Meghan String, are also Chasers but we're missing one for this year. You should definitely join the team. I'm a Beater and so is Sirius. We're also missing a Keeper but I'm pretty sure Dorcas Meadows—she's a year below us—is trying for that position."

  Fawn nodded, taking in all the information. "Okay cool, yeah I'll definitely try out. Who's the Seeker?"

Lily groaned. This conversation topic was one that got Marlene really pissed off.

    Marlene threw her hands up in frustration, "Last year's captain was so stupid and had this pathetic little second year boy with zero hand-eye coordination play Seeker. But now James is captain so hopefully someone better than stupid Tommy whats-his-face will join."

Fawn laughed. "Wow, you are passionate."

  "I want to win and we can't win with that demon child!"

   Fawn was already loving her roommates. Marlene was competitive and bold, Lily was fair and kind, and Alice was quiet yet friendly. Fawn fell somewhere in between.

  Lily was sure to remind them that classes started tomorrow so they must get to bed soon. And with that, the nights' silence took over. All except for Marlene who was a snorer.

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