Endless Possiblities None Positive

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    "Dumbledore's been injured," James announced a few days before Christmas of nineteen eighty.

   The most powerful Wizard of this time had been injured. What hope did that leave for the rest of them?

  "What type of injury?" asked Fawn.

   "I dunno. His finger's all black though, like it's been cursed or something."

   "Yeah, it's bizarre," added Sirius.

   "If Dumbledore's been cursed what are the chances that we actually win this thing?"

   "We gotta keep positive, Pete."

   "I know Sirius, I'm trying, but it's Dumbledore!"

   Fawn's leg bounced as she took in the conversation. She didn't trust Dumbledore to win this war for them, not one bit. However, it was no lie that he was powerful. Peter had a point. Hope was dwindling among the order members. The doubt was heavy in every room they occupied. Even baby Harry had been crying more and more with every passing day.

   The grandfather clock continued to tick; a reminder that the world would keep spinning even if they wished it wouldn't for just a moment. They had to find the remaining horcruxes, and fast.

   "Did any of you ask him about it?"

   The group shared sheepish looks that gave Fawn her answer. Annoyance crept into her bones.

   "We're fighting a fucking war and trying to save Harry from a prophecy yet you didn't think to ask Dumbledore what cursed him? Are you bloody stupid!"

   Lily held Harry close to her bosom, stroking his unruly raven hair as he continued to fuss. She didn't look up, her full attention on the child. They all knew their fate rested on him. What a terrible feat for a five month old to carry.

   "We were all so shocked that he could get hurt in the first place, we just didn't think to ask."

   "He might be powerful but he's still mortal, James."  James frowned guiltily and adjusted his glasses. "We need to get to the bottom of this. Not just for Harry, but for you as well. All of you."

   Remus stepped forward and placed a hand on James' shoulder. His face was set in determination. "I'll talk to him."

   The thickness lifted the slightest bit. Remus knew what he was doing. They'd have their answers soon enough. Fingers crossed.

    Fawn found herself back in Dumbledore's office with Remus Lupin later that afternoon. Remus had gone alone originally as planned, but Dumbledore wanted the time traveler there too.

   Despite the grim topic and the current state of the greater wizarding world, the elderly headmaster sat behind his desk with a small smile and glimmering, joyful eyes. His left hand looked charred, like it could fall off at any moment and it was clear to see the curse was traveling upwards. Dumbledore was unbothered. It infuriated Fawn.

   He pushed forward a small maroon cloth that looked like the fabric that came with new spectacles to clean them. On it was an old, tarnished and rusted silver ring that was clearly made by Muggles. It was cracked down the center, smaller cracks splintering through the silver like lighting bolts. It had a small, unimportant looking stone that had separated from its base.

   Remus and Fawn both furrowed their brows. Dumbledore continued to smile at the pair. He seemed to enjoy holding secrets from those trying to save the world.

   Fawn reached out a delicate finger but Remus grasped her arm and pulled her back. "Don't. It might be dangerous."

   Albus nodded and finally spoke. "Very good Remus. This was a Horcrux. Gaunt's ring. I have destroyed it but not without cost," he motioned to his blackened hand.

   "Is this the last one?"

   "Indeed. I believe Tom wished to create seven but has not been successful thus far."

   Remus jumped a bit in his seat. "So he's mortal now?"

   "I believe so, yes."

   Fawn chewed on her lip. This was all guess-work. They could all be wrong. What if they killed Voldemort just for him to come back again, and again, and again? What if he had succeeded in creating the horcruxes he desired. What if they thought it was over but it wasn't? Everything was unknown. They could be right, they could be wrong, nobody knew.

   "And if he's not?"

   Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes studied Fawn. "Do you have any other ideas, Miss Briggs?"

   She hated thinking of it but it had been plaguing her for months. Many sleepless nights sobbing over the toilet bowl from the fear that words she was about to speak could be true. It was possible. Too possible for comfort. A crow cawed in the distance.

    "Is—Is it possible that when Reg-Regulus was killed that Voldemort could have intended to make him a horcrux?"

   Remus turned to his head sharply. This idea had not occurred to him, to any of them. Fawn was thankful that they didn't have to deal with the agony of it all.

   She focused on the specks of dirt littering the floor of the Headmaster's office instead of facing the two men. Her vision became blurry as she sat there and waited for the confirmation she hoped would never come.

   Despite not having any time, a part of Fawn had fallen in love with Regulus Black. The thought of his death being used to keep such a vile monster alive, the thought that it was her fault that it was...

   "I do not believe so. Regulus betrayed Voldemort and went so far as to destroy horcruxes. Voldemort wouldn't have used him for that purpose."

    "But wouldn't that be the perfect revenge," pondered Remus, "Turning Regulus into the very thing he was trying to get rid of?"

   Bile crept up Fawn's throat as the conversation between the two men carried on. He was just a boy, only eighteen. How could his final purpose be to make a monster immortal? How unfair the world had to be to curse a boy with such a fate.

   "Their house ring," she whispered.

   "House ring?"

   Fawn explained how Regulus had a house ring that had been handed down to him by his father. It held the Noble and Ancient House of Black family crest and was extremely valuable amongst Pureblood circles. Given that Twelve Grimmauld Place was the current location for Death-Eater meetings, it would make sense Voldemort would have wanted to keep an heirloom from them.

   "I'll pay him a visit," said Dumbledore.

   "Pay him a visit? He's a tyrannical sociopath, you can't just 'pay him a visit!'" shouted Remus.

   Dumbledore smirked, his eyes continuing to shine. "Believe me, Mr. Lupin, I have my ways."

   With a pop and a crack he was gone, leaving the two young adults alone in the large, dark office.

   "I don't like him."

   Fawn scoffed softly. "Join the club."   



Hey, so I'm back! Sorry for not updating. I had graduation and then had some family over. I was supposed to have my surgery on 7th but my Grandparents got Covid so that's been rescheduled. I also honestly was in a pretty low spot as far as mental health goes and lost the motivation to write.

But anyway, thank you for 10K reads! I woke up and saw that. That's crazy! A month or so ago it wasn't even at 5k yet. This story has grown so much and I'm so thankful for all of your support! Please continue to comment I love reading them!

Also been trying to shift. Haven't yet but I think I'm close. I'll let you know when I do if that's something that interests you guys.

Anyway sorry for such a crazy long authors not lol.

Bye 👋🏼

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