Restricted Section

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   "Can I borrow your invisibility cloak?"

  The Marauders all looked up simultaneously with varying degrees of shock. As far as they were concerned, no one else besides themselves knew about the cloak.

  "James," Fawn spoke again standing in front of the sofa on which he was sitting, "Did you hear me?"

  James nodded, mouth agape, glasses slipping down his nose.

  Fawn peered at him expectantly. "So?"


  She rolled her eyes. "Can I borrow the cloak or not?"

  Sirius leaned over, elbows resting on his knees. "How do you know about the cloak? That's top-secret information."

  Fawn paused, she hadn't considered the fact that neither of the four boys had mentioned this piece of valued information to her. "Oh erm—James told me about it over the summer."

"He did?" asked Peter, eyes wide with surprise. "He didn't even tell us about it until third year."

   "Wait, I don't remember telling you about the cloak."

  "Well you did, how else would I know about it?"

James pushed his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose and shrugged. "Fair enough," he answered dumbly. "Why did you need it?"

She huffed frustratedly. "Do you really need to know?"

  "Sneaking off to snog someone are you?"

  Fawn groaned, tugging at her hair. "No, I certainly am not." She made a strangled sort of noise. "Is that all you lot think about, snogging?"

Sirius shrugged, shaking his shoulder-length locks out of his face. "Sometimes."

  These boys would be the end of her. The librarian didn't allow access to the Restricted Section without permission, permission that could not be obtained without a specific reason. No one would allow a sixteen year old to explore the Restricted Section if they knew that it was for answers about time travel and it's boundaries or connections to the Department if Mysteries. That would only open more questions that would cause further confusion if answered. Besides, the type of answers Fawn was looking for may land her in Azkaban if the wrong people caught wind of it. After all, a teen girl looking for loopholes to time was certainly suspicious especially in a time of civil unrest such as was in the wizarding world as of late.

  "Look," Fawn said sharply, "I need to get into the Restricted Section and I won't be able to get permission from any of the professors. I will not be answering any further questions."

  Remus raised an eyebrow but said nothing while the other three boys' eyes sparkled with excitement.

  "The Restricted Section, that's crazy!" said Peter, an expression of awe on his face.

Sirius looked far more concerned than others. "There's a lot of dangerous and dark information there."

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, that's why it's called restricted."


  "Muggle thing," muttered Fawn.

  She turned to James. "So what do you say Jamie?"

He ran a hand over his face. "Fine. On one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "Never call me Jamie again."


  This led to yet another midnight adventure to the Library. Fawn was unable to ask for the Map seeing that her knowledge of the cloak had been a close enough call as is. Unfortunately this meant there was no way of knowing if any professors or Filch were prowling the corridors nearby.

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