I'm Sorry... It's My Fault

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No one POV:

Everyone had noticed the change in Thanatos, even the maids that never met him. He's been keeping himself in his room and hasn't eaten in who knows how long. He was never nice or mean, he was... empty. It was like his soul was gone and he was a hollow shell. His eye bags had grown and his skin was as pale as a ghost, he looked as if he was already dead. He would always join the meetings he was for, it didn't matter who it was. Even though he went to the meetings he never said or did anything. Athy called him to talk with her and Lucas, which he agreed to of course, to discuss what to do about Claude. 

When he got to the door he didn't bother knocking and just walked inside. Lucas was expecting him to at least try to converse with him and make it up but what he saw shocked him. 'He looks... dead...?' Thanatos didn't even look in his direction. He trudged to the nearest couch and sat down, staring in front of him. The dead look in his eyes evident to Lucas. 'Did... we hurt him this much...?' Athanasia started crying which alerted the two boys in the room. Thanatos, as if in a trance, walks over to Athanasia and hugs her. Without knowing it tears start to drip form his eyes as well. "Don't cry Athy... you may take it out on me..." Athanasia pushed her brother away and shook her head. "Thanos, what's the matter with you!? Who did this to him Lucas...?" He flinched and looked away. Athanasia knew immediately that it had something to do with Lucas. "Thanos... could you lease go back to your room and get some sleep?" Thanatos, again in a dead-like state, nodded and left the room. 

"Lucas... I know you two had a little 'thing' for each other, so why is Thanos like that!?" Lucas looks down with a sad expression and rubbed his neck. "He's in... or was maybe, in a relationship with that Alpheus kid and... I got a little mad..." Athanasia shook her head and walked forward. "That's not enough to make him like this... what else happened...?" Lucas's eyebrows twitched. "He was... taking in some of your fathers black magic..." Athanasia's eyes widened and she stormed towards Lucas. "What!? Is he okay!?" Lucas didn't answer. "When the Alpheus kid found out he slapped him across the face and left... he has been ignoring Thanatos since...I have been to." Athanasia shakily brought her hand to her mouth and had tears in her eyes. She stomps forward and slaps Lucas in the face, leaving the magician confused and shocked. "What the hell is wrong with you two!?" To say Lucas was confused would be an understatement. "Oh god... Oh GOD!" She slams her fist on the table and tears dripped down her face. "What if... what if he hurts himself...? Oh no... no, no, no, no, no..." 

This caught Lucas's attention. "What do you mean 'what if he hurts himself?' Is what we did really that bad...?" She turned towards him, tears still falling from her eyes. "Bad? Bad!? Lucas, Thanos could end up physically hurting himself!" Lucas flinched and his eyes widened. "W... what do you mean...?" Athanasia wiped her tears. "Thanos was... abused and mistreated by his old maids..." Lucas's eyes widened further. "They would starve him, beat him... d-drown him..." Athanasia let out a choked sob. "When I got mad at him for saying he'd risk his life for me, you were there,  he... he had a mental break down and started to have a panic attack when I stopped talking to him for a week..." Lucas's hands started to tremble and he covered his mouth. "He thinks... that its okay for people to mistreat him... as long as they don't leave him. He doesn't care about himself enough to worry about his physical state, that's probably why he decided to take it upon himself to try and heal Daddy..."

Lucas was almost to tear as he snapped his fingers and landed in front of Thanatos. He was curled up into a ball, nails digging at his scalp, whispering small words. 'Its my fault.' 'I'm sorry' 'You can punish me'. Lucas immediately grabbed his hands and pulled it away from his scalp. Lucas, for the first time in a long while, was worried. Worried that he would ruin the one he loved. 

After a moment of thinking about what to do, his eyes widen. 'The Alpheus boy...' He snapped his fingers and Ijekiel was standing in the room with a confused look. He looks over and sees Lucas crouched over a shaking Thanatos. "What happened!?" Lucas shut his eyes a bit before sighing. "He... we hurt him... really bad." Ijekiel was still confused but he saw the blood dripping from Thanatos eyes and quickly rushed over. "What did he do to himself...? Was this... our fault?" Lucas, after a bit of hesitation, nodded and explained what had happened to Thanatos.

Ijekiel was half to tear and immediately hugged Thanatos. "I-I'm sorry, Thanos..." Thanatos visibly flinched. Lucas came from behind and also hugged him. "Thanatos... it was out fault..." Ijekiel pushed Thanatos away just enough for both of them to see his face. Tears were streaming down his face and he looked confused. "W...why are you apologizing? It was my fault... I'm so-" Ijekiel cut him off by kissing him gently on the lips. Both Lucas and Thanatos looked surprised but Lucas felt agitated. "You two have kissed how many times...? I want a turn too." Lucas grabbed Thanatos' chin gently and pulled him to his lap. He kissed Thanatos but he held it longer and held him by the waist. Thanatos, now fully in a normal state of mind, was blushing furiously. Lucas snaked his hand under Thanatos' shirt and rubbed his lower stomach and back. Thanatos moaned when Lucas had done this and it made Ijekiel mad. 

Ijekiel got on his knees and leaned on Thanatos' back. He pulled Thanatos' shirt back a bit and bit lightly on his neck. Thanatos flinched and let out a small groan. Lucas had broken the kiss and also bit Thanatos, but on his collar bone. "G-Guys... you need to sto-" Before Thanatos could finish a knock was heard at the door. Thanatos flinched and quickly got u and fixed his shirt before heading to the door and seeing Lena. "H-Hey Lena... I need to talk to you..." She was surprised when he suddenly dragged her out of the room but she smiled. 'You're back to your old self... thank god.'







A different POV this time and... SOME ACTION~~!!!!

{1120 words}

Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now