G'night Babe

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No one POV:

Today, Thanatos and Athanasia were in Claude's room while he worked. Athanasia was at a desk next to him, while Thanatos was sitting on a couch reading with a tray of cookies. 

After a few seconds, Claude looked over to Athanasia with a blank, yet confused expression. "What is it?" She put her head up and smiled an awkward smile. "Ah. I stumbled upon a difficult question in my studies." Thanatos looked up, watching the interaction between Father and daughter with a blank expression. He's not as angry as he used to be when seeing them together, but it still made him kind of sad. Athanasia trying so hard to get his memories back.

"Hm. Would I normally help you study?" Athanasia looked confused before her eyes widened. Claude was scooting closer to her with a book in his hand. 

"At this part, take the xxx of xxxx and substitute it with this equation.... Then take the unknown quantity...." Thanatos was looking at them with a confused expression, as studies weren't exactly his strong suit.

"Wow! Thank you, Daddy!" Claude nodded and looked at her paper once more. "Is there anything else you need help with. Athanasia shook her head. "No." Athanasia then looked at me. 

"Thanos! Is there anything you need help with?" Thanatos flinched and shook his head. "N-No. I am doing very well with my studies." Claude and Athanasia knew he was lying; it was written all over his face. 

A few minutes later, Thanatos was standing next to Athanasia, looking at the confusing equation. "Ah! That's right. I'll show you what I'm practicing now." She put a book in front of her and held her hands just above. 

"Oh, success!" The book started floating in the air, just slightly above the desk, while Thanatos moved behind Claude, making him confused. That was until the book exploded and pages flew everywhere. 

Claude flinched and pushed the pages out of his face, while Thanatos laughed, holding the desk. "O-Oh my god- Ha! You did it again!" Athanasia flinched and looked at Thanatos angrily. "Shut up! You're just talented and snobby!" Thanatos couldn't stop laughing as Athanasia trembled with embarrassment. 

"You're not using your magic correctly. You shouldn't be pushing it inside objects, but instead surround it and then lift." Claude flew the book over to Athanasia gently, right after Thanatos stopped laughing and wiped his tears. "Try it one more time."

Athanasia stared intently at the book before spreading her hands and lifting the book. After a second, her face lit up with joy as she looked at the males above her. "Huh? It worked! I did it, Daddy, Thanos." Both of them gave a small warm smile, something she doesn't see often, and gave her praise. 

"Good job."

"You did it, Athy."

She looked at the two with a surprised expression. "B-Because I'm Daddy's daughter... and Thanos' sister...." Claud flinched at the words and his head dropped down. "You should leave now." Athanasia shot up and reached for him. "Daddy, does your head hurt again?" He got angry and yelled at her. "Hurry up and go!" Athanasia flinched and stepped away from him, Thanatos grabbing her shoulders for support. 

Time skip~~~ Later that night

Athanasia was waiting at the window for Lucas to show up with news about Claude. "Your dad is sleeping." She looked relieved. "thank goodness. I thought he was in pain again. Thanks." He shook his head. "You don't need to think me." Athanasia nodded and walked inside. "Well, it's late, goodnight." 

Thanatos, who was doing his work, came into Athanasia's room a few hours later, just to see Lucas sitting on the couch. "So, what'd you tell her." Lucas looked up at him and sighed. "That he's sleeping." Thanatos also sighed and sat next to Lucas. "He's not doing well, right?" 

Lucas looked at his for a few seconds before nodding slowly. "Thought so..." Lucas sat up and looked at Thanatos sadly before hugging him. "Y'know, I never thought I'd care for him. Then this memory loss shit had to go and screw it up...." Thanatos felt like crying. He felt like sobbing into Lucas's chest until his eyes were puffy and red. but he held it in. He held it in and gave Lucas a small kiss on the lips. 

When their lips parted, Thanatos saw Lucas staring at his for a few seconds. "It's been a while since we kissed.... Thought you didn't want any." Lucas smirked after his statement and leaned forward, connecting their lips once again. 

After a few seconds with their lips just touching, Lucas opened his mouth, Thanatos doing the same, and put his tongue in, making Thanatos shiver. Lucas smirked into the kiss, then tilted his head, deepening it. Thanatos sat back a bit enjoying this moment as Lucas pushed on, then let out a small moan when Lucas bit his bottom lip.

"Lucas, don't be too rough. Athy'll know somethings up if you leave a cut on my lip." Lucas looked at Thanatos for a long time before reaching for his shirt. Lucas touched the top button then let it loose, reaching for the second before Thanatos grabbed his hand. "What are you doing!?" Thanatos whisper yelled. "Athy is in the room!" 

Lucas smirked and whispered into Thanatos' ear. "Don't worry, babe. I won't do anything like that.... Yet." Thanatos blushed and clenching his jaw when he saw Lucas going for his neck. 

He unbuttoned the second button and opened his mouth, biting Thanatos' neck, making a red mark. Thanatos flinched and let out a small groan. Lucas licked the spot in which he bit and started sucking on the skin around it, making small pinkish marks. 

"Lucas.... As much as I'd like to continue...." Lucas stopped and looked at him. "It's 2 in the morning and I'm tired..." Lucas looked at him with an expression that said "again?" and sighed. "I'm sorry, Lucas. I've never really experienced anything like this. I guess I'm just a bit hesitant." Lucas nodded and kissed Thanatos' forehead. "G'night, babe."  

And just like that, Lucas was gone, leaving a tired Thanatos who fell asleep on the couch.







Another chapter done!! :)

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