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          AVA LAYED FOWARD ON EMMETTS chest smiling up at him. It was one of the most beautiful things Emmett had ever seen, besides all the other things she does. Everything about Ava was beautiful to him she was something he didn't know he would have, someone he didn't know he needed.

Emmett never had a reason to not want to live, but now without Ava here or alive nothing made sense to him.

"You know your the most beautiful person ever right." Emmett said as more of a statement rather than a question.

"Their are girls more beautiful than me." Ava said blushing slightly at the comment.

"Not every girl I know have the same beautiful bright blue eyes that are like looking in an ocean, the same dark chestnut hair, those beautiful freckles your always hiding and what tops it all off is that smile of yours." Emmett says, Ava felt so touched as he named everything that he believe made her beautiful. "I don't ever want to lose that smile."

"You won't." Ava said with another smile. She sat up bringing her face down to Emmett giving him a kiss. "Your everything I've wanted Emmett, everything I needed. I dreamed of the day I'd find someone who cared about me the way you do, who knew you were here this whole time."

Emmett smiled at her words pulling Ava in for a kiss. It lasted for just a moment but it was filled with much passion that all Ava could feel was love.

"I hope we're not interrupting." Edward said standing with Bella outside of Emmett's door.

Emmett rolled his eyes causing Ava to look confused. He told Edward to come in with Bella walking in behind and Ava thought Edward may have said something to annoy, or simply because he was ruining their moment.

"Bella was wondering if the two of you-" Edward began speaking but Bella stopped him.

"I'm right here Edward." She said not understanding why he began to explain for her. "Anyways were we still seeing that movie? You know the one we've been wanting to go see for weeks, that starts in 30 minutes."

Ava looked down at her phone eyes widening.

"Oh Bells I'm sorry I didn't realize today was that day already." Ava says with a disappointed sigh, she looked over at Emmett who she could tell was going to miss her company. She and Emmett had planned to spend their whole day together and only wanted to really be in the presence of each other but she didn't want to suddenly cancel her and Bella's plans. Bella could tell Ava and Emmett were having one of their clingy days. "Me and Emmett we were... well gonna spend the day together."

"It's fine you two go ahead." Bella said as Edward wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I'd prefer more time with Bella as well anyways." Edward says with a smile.

"Your sure, we could go if you want." Ava says.

"No I feel the same as Edward." She says smiling a little.

Even though the two had only known each other for 7 months and been together for 2 months now, to them it felt like years. Ava had never been with someone whose treated her so special before, she hasn't been around anyone whose thought of her as special in a while. With her brother abandoning her and her father hating her very existence she didn't feel like anything including herself mattered anymore since her only family who were once the people she went home to everyday who she was happy to just spend time with, watch movies, eat dinner, talk about her school day and her volleyball games to they turned her world upside down.

But Emmett was like her savior, her knight in shining armor. Now that she found Emmett she can't help but want to spend every moment with him and he the same. She fell fast and knew she shouldn't since it was so early and that they were moving things quite quickly, but she was certain that she was deeply in love with him and without having to know she could feel the love from him he didn't have to say the words to her.

Bella and Edward left out of the room leaving Ava and Emmett alone. Emmett pulled her back down towards him wrapping her in his arms and she layed her head on his chest. They sat like that a little while longer.

"Hey Em." Ava said looking up at him.

"Yeah." He says back to her. She pulled out of his arms sitting up causing him to do the same and the two stared at each other.

"I just want to warn you now that if we're going to do this which we clearly are it's already been 2 months, but I've been holding back parts of me I've been embarrassed about and I need to let you know the pros and cons of dating me. And there's a lot of cons." Ava said and before Emmett could stop her to tell her she had no cons she stopped him. "First things first no matter what I'm going to love you unconditionally, I'll always be there for you no matter how pissed I am at you. I won't judge you on any of your past mistakes even if it stills affect your present. I have a big heart it's just hard for me to show, I'm fun to be around, I love to cuddle and plus I'm good I'm bed."

Emmett let out a small chuckle hearing that.

"But I get jealous, I'm sometimes spiteful, I get upset when things don't go my way, I'm bipolar and sometimes it can get bad, I often get way to emotional and I have trust issues, I'm used to my feelings and opinions not mattering so I might be going through something and won't speak with you about it out of habit... there are gonna be times when I lose myself and I'm going to really need you."

Emmett opened his mouth to say something but Ava held her hand up signaling that she wasn't finished.

"You don't have to say any words to make me feel better or convince me that I'm not these things Emmett. I know who I am and I know who I was and what changed everything, I've been hurt by the people closest to me and I was in a toxic relationship that changed my view on what a relationship should be." Ava said. "But I have you now and there's no way I'm gonna screw this up. I'm gonna work on myself for you Emmett and I'm hoping you'll be able to stick through it with me."

"Ava listen..." Emmett said starting off. "I don't think you know how much it is that I love you. I told you before I've always payed close attention to you and your life, I already know who you are and I've always have. I watched you experience those changes in your life and of course it's not your fault, but I know the heart you have and the person that you want to be and from the moment we meant I already decided that I'm devoting all my time and attention on you. And no matter how bad it is I'll stick with you through any and everything until things get better. Your stuck with me and I'm stuck with you."

They embraced each other and Ava could fill tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, Emmett looked down at her and wiped them away before they could fall kissing her on the cheek.

"You know I never realized you could be so sentimental." Ava said looking up at him.

"Only towards you. Everyone else can kiss my ass." He says and Ava laughs. She kisses him on the lips pulling back smiling at him.

"I love you Emmett."

"And I love you."




Hi my beautiful readers I just want to say thank you to Everyone whose read this book and how much I appreciate the ones whose stuck through, it was short but I enjoyed making it nonetheless and I am proud to let you all know I'M MAKING A SECOND BOOK I've actually already started writing a few of the first few chapters and will probably have it posted today or tomorrow so if you guys want to go and check that out its called "In The End" I hope you'll continue on this journey with my character Ava and see her and Emmett's relationship because I believe I plan on having 3-4 books in total and their love story is one of my favorites I've came up with and I've planned a lot for them. Thanks again for reading my book.

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