Epilogue: Maybe Perfect

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  • Dedicated to all of my readers and fans


This was the day, the day that every kid thought about and didn’t really see it coming until it actually arrived.

It was graduation day.

As I sat in my school’s gym, decked out in a dark blue cap and gown, I couldn’t help but look back on the last three months of my life and smile.

Once Jett had told me he loved me at the café, I was overjoyed with happiness and stayed up on cloud nine for a couple of days before returning to reality. Since then, Jett and I had been completely and utterly happy just being with each other.

Pertaining to my classes, I worked extra hard for the rest of the semester to keep my average up in the high 90’s to get into a good university. I hadn’t exactly decided where I wanted to go next year or what I wanted to do but I had sent my applications to a couple of out of town places in hope of getting in.

Pulling me out of my inner thoughts, I felt a slight nudge in my side as Ryan Carter, the senior sitting next to me, nodded towards the stage. “You’re up Sophie.” he whispered.

Slightly embarrassed that I had missed my own name being called, I stood up from my seat, nearly tripping over the bottom of my gown, and made my way up to the stage. As I climbed the stairs, I took it slow so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further by tripping in front of my whole senior class and their families.

When I finally made it up onto the stage, I was greeted by the principal with a smile. “Congratulations Sophie and good luck in the future.” she said as she shook my hand.

I smiled back at her. “Thanks.” I mumbled, as she released my hand and presented me with my diploma.

Gripping the roll of parchment in my hand, I looked out into the audience to see everybody I cared about cheering me on. My aunt and uncle were seated near the middle and were accompanied by Max and Kara as they all stood up and applauded my achievements. I could spot Piper and Blake within the sea of blue gowns with smiles on their faces and I could even see Carter, Axel and Dillon seated near the back of the auditorium as they whistled and applauded my graduating moment.

Then, as I looked down to the seat I knew he would be in, I saw Jett sitting in his seat with a gigantic smile on his face. He was looking incredibly stunning in his blue robe and, as I caught his eye, his applause halted and he shaped both of his hands into a heart.

Blushing, I sent a smile back to him before focusing on the task at hand. My principal gave me a slight shove to the right, signalling for me to move down the line of teachers and faculty present on the stage.

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