31: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 31

“How is she still sleeping?” a voice muttered loud enough for me to hear.

“Maybe she was out late.” another familiar voice replied suggestively.

Shutting my eyes tighter I tried to block out the voices of the two pests who were currently invading the sanctuary that was my room. Once I had succeeded in blocking out the voices and was well on my way to falling back into a deep sleep, I felt something poking my face.

First it was a simple poke in the cheek, but it went on to be multiple pokes to the chin, forehead, eyes, etc.

It was getting annoying so, half asleep, I whacked my arm out trying, unsuccessfully, to get a hand on the source of the pokes. After coming in contact with nothing, I rolled over in my warm and comfy bed, slowly opening my eyes.

The first thing that met my line of vision was the face of my grinning best friend. Without saying hello, I turned back over and stuffed my face into one of my pillows.

“Oh come on Soph! We know you’re up, just get those muscles working and get your smiley little ass out of bed.” Piper whined and I imagined her arms crossing across her torso as she looked at my tired formed stubbornly.

I smirked into my pillow, not yet showing my face to my friends.

I heard, who I’m guessing was Blake, mutter something inaudible to Piper and before I knew it, my two best friends had become twin kangaroos and were jumping up and down on my bed.

I groaned loudly, flipping myself over to look at my two giddy friends. “Can you guys stop?” I asked, sitting up against my head board as I ran my hand through my hair.

Both Piper and Blake halted their jumping and plopped down onto the bed as they sat crossed legged and facing me.

After a couple of seconds of silence I decided to voice my thoughts. “Is there a reason you guys are here at…” I said, glancing at the clock that stood on my bedside table, “11:00 in the morning?” I asked, trying to conceal another yawn.

Now normally I would be up by now, but do to the fact that I didn’t get home until after eleven ‘o’clock last night and didn’t fall asleep until about 2 in the morning due to excitement, I was still slightly tired.

“Well… I tried calling you last night but you didn’t pick up and after the third call I just figured you were enjoying yourself and would call me this morning. So when I woke up this morning with no messages from you on my phone, not even a single text, I called Blake and told him to meet me here to see what was up with our little love bug.” Piper explained.

Maybe PerfectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang