19: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 19

The following day I remembered that I had promised both Piper and Blake that we would have a sleepover so I called them both up around two in the afternoon telling them that they could come over any time after three thirty.

While I waited for my friends to arrive, I hung around with Max and Kara before they left tomorrow to go back to school. I realized that even though Kara was Max’s first girlfriend, he seemed to really like her and without a doubt she returned the feelings.

When I had a couple minutes alone with Kara when Max was upstairs I decided to ask her a question that had been playing on my ming since last night.

“Hey Kara?” I asked, getting her attention.

“Hmm?” she replied, curiously and looking interested.

“Well, umm, I was just wondering what you feel when you’re around my brother?” I asked nervously.

Kara smiled at me. “I guess you could say I feel bright. Whenever I’m with him I always feel happy and I feel the stereotypical butterflies in my stomach. My knees go weak when he smiles at me and whenever we’re together there’s never anything else that matters. I guess you could say that it’s love.” she explained, quieting down near the end.

My eyes bulged slightly as I head the ‘L’ word. “Wait, you love him?”

Kara looked at me shyly and nodded. “Yea, I really do. He’s sweet, amazing and the best thing I could ask for… just don’t tell him any of that because I haven’t exactly told him how I feel about him yet.” she explained, silently begging me with her eyes to keep quiet.

I nodded. “Yea, sure, of course.”

“So,” Kara went on, “is there a reason for this sudden question or was it just random?” she asked with a slight smirk. My eyes immediately cast downwards and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. “Oooh, there’s gossip here, spill it.”

I looked up at her and sighed. “Well, the guy I’ve been hanging around with is really sweet but I don’t know if I like him as anything more. We’ve been friends for about a month and it’s been fun and I’ve loved it but I’ve been thinking lately that maybe there’s something more there. I mean, last night when he took me out with his friends, he was being really adorable; holding me close, teasing me, and dedicating a song to me.” I explained while Kara let out a quiet ‘aww’. “And when he dropped me off he kissed my cheek before leaving and I felt something other than friendship.”

Kara smiled at me and nodded. “I know exactly how you feel. Before Max and I got together I wasn’t really looking for a boyfriend, but as we got to know each other and I saw how sweet he was, I began to realize that maybe the reason I didn’t want a boyfriend was because I hadn’t found the right guy yet. When Max asked me out I went out with him because I was starting to like him as more than a friend and I saw that even with his shy personality, he was willing to put his heart and our friendship on the line to put his feelings out there. Ever since I never regretted my decision and I’m happily in love with him.” she explained, smiling with love in her eyes.

Maybe PerfectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon