Chapter eight

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I screamed, and banged on the doors demanding someone opened them for me, but I was ignored.

After my fathers men brought me home they wasted no time in throwing me in my bedroom, and locking the doors. My window was guarded by two men I had never even seen before while my bedroom was guarded by a group of men I could not see, but hear.

I can't believe this happened.

I could feel every ounce of pain Damien was experiencing right now, and I just wanted to die. I couldn't imagine what he was going through.

Why did this happen?


I should have kept my mouth shut. This is all my fault.

I couldn't breathe. My screaming resumed as the pain only got worse. With one last agonizing scream I whispered the name of the only person I wanted to see at the moment, Damien.


I woke up to my father running his fingers through my hair.

Jolting away from him I began to cry.

"Why did you do it? Why couldn't you just let us be happy together?"

He didn't reply. I continued.

"You said he wouldn't be able to protect me from getting hurt, but look what you've done. You caused all this, you're the one hurting me."

"I did this to protect you."

"You did this because you're selfish. You care more about how you look in the eyes of the pack than the happiness of your only child. Mom would be so disappointed in you."

A loud growl echoed through the house.

"Don't you dare say that." He roared.

"I did this so your mother would be proud her daughter had a mate to protect her, your mother never would have wanted the pack runt to mate with her daughter."

My wolf wanted to attack him. I growled menacingly.

"My mother wouldn't have cared about his title she only would have cared about how happy he made me, and you know that. You know she was never one to judge."

He rolled his eyes before standing up.

"Well it's too late for that now because your mate is gone."


I felt sick again. Tears continued streaming down my face. My heart hurt, my wolf whimpered.

"Can I at least go see him?"

"I just told you he's gone. What exactly are you going to see?"

The tears continued running down my face.

"I hate you. I hate you so much. The least you can do is let me give him a proper burial."

He actually had the nerve to chuckle.

I was a second away from slapping him. My own father became a monster over night.

"Oh honey I didn't kill him."

I felt myself smile. Although my happiness was cut short.

"But you said he's gone. What did you mean by that?"

Dread took over my body as I realized exactly what he had done.

"We beat him, and threw his unconscious body in the middle of no mans territory. I'd be surprised if those rouges didn't get to him already."

I gasped.

I could no longer control myself. This man is not my father, my father wouldn't find this amusing, he'd apologize for doing this to me, for hurting me this way, he'd regret putting me through this.

Without thinking I did the only thing I could think of.

I shifted into my wolf and attacked the man I used to call dad.


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