Chapter fourteen

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Not edited.
Please excuse the mistakes.




I knew he was here, his scent was so strong I just knew it was his. I looked around the area until I got to spot his scent was the strongest.

On top of a large rock there was a shirt. Immediately I knew who the shirt was for, I felt my heart beat increase tragically.

This couldn't be happening. The shirt was covered in blood, there were multiple ripped spots.

I didn't know what to think.

Could Damien actually be gone?

I grabbed the shirt and turned away ready to go home and end my life. If my mate is dead, there's no reason for me to live.


As soon as I got home I ran into my fathers office, where I knew he kept his guns. One silver bullet to my head would kill me. I wanted this. This is the only way I could meet my mate all over again.

My hand shook as I picked up the gun. I couldn't back out now, I needed to do this, but why was I so afraid. I shouldn't be scared; this is my way of seeing Damien again, but for some reason something still felt off.

As I went to aim the gun at my head I heard the door knob twist, I hurried to pull the trigger, but I'm seconds I was tackled to the ground and the gun flew out of my hand.

My fathers scent was present which meant it was him who decided to stop me.

I let the tears escape as I stood up and ran to my room. Shouts were clear, but I ignored all of them as I slammed my door shut, and collapsed.

Little did I know that the worst was still to come.


Today was the day. My mates wedding is today, but it will not happen. I will have her back in my arms by the end of today.

The amount of training I've been through these last few months have made me so much stronger than I ever thought I'd be. I knew I could get my girl back. Nothing, and no one would be able to stop me.

Max had managed to get a pretty large group of men to help today. I'd say we got lucky.

The change of events in my life was never expected. I always thought I'd remain in the pack I was born into, end up getting rejected by my mate, and eventually die from the broken mate bond, but boy was I surprised when none of that happened. I came close to death more times than many people, but I'm still fighting for myself and my beautiful mate.

I didn't even know if Kaitlin still wanted me, but today we'd all find out. I wished more than anything she would still love me. I know now since we've been apart for so long our mate bond is pretty much non existent, but I prayed that once we finally meet again we can rekindle what we had before all this happened.


Max and the rest of the group approached me. I felt my shoulder being squeezed in a friendly gesture, "today's the day brother, you'll have Kaitlin back before you know it."

I smiled at Zale, he was one of the men I was able to make friends with through out our training sessions.

"Thanks Zale. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without yours, and the rest of the men here with me, so thank you all for doing this. I'll never be able to repay you for this."


Slowly we approached my former pack house. The ceremony was being held here. I caught a glimpse of my sweet mate looking miserable and my heart almost stopped. She had lost so much weight since the last time I saw her, and she no longer looked like the happy, and healthy girl I once knew.

Again this was my fault. I should have come sooner. Now I knew that there was only one thing that could separate us, and that would be my death.



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