Chapter 9

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Canada sighed pleasantly as he took a sip of his maple tea. "I don't know why I never thought to sweeten it with syrup before, Kumajiro."

"Who?" the bear asked, tilting his head.

"Canada!" the nation whisper-shouted, exasperated. He flipped his file to the next page, carefully reading all of his boss' notes, only looking away when his phone rang. "Please don't be trying to make me crossdress again," he moaned upon seeing the caller ID. "Hello?" he asked tentatively.

"Please tell me your brother is there," England's voice rang through the line.

"Al? No, I haven't seen him since Japan. I thought he was still in Italy." Canada paused, thinking of all of the havoc his twin was likely raising overseas. "What did he do this time?"

"Gotten himself kidnapped. I had hoped Alfred had finally decided enough was enough and had just left the Italies' and they were overreacting, but it would appear they were not."

Canada gaped at the phone, disbelieving. "Are we talking about the same America regularly threw bulls as a child?"

"Unfortunately. Whoever it was has to know him well. They lured him away with ice cream."

That sounds like Alfie. "Inside job?"

"Most likely, but still hard to say. We've made the Italies' house base if you'd like to join us."

"Of course! I'll be right-Wait a minute. You've already set up an HQ? How long has America been missing?"

"W-well, it's been-" England coughed.

"Arthur," Canada warned.

"We would have called sooner, lad, but-"

"How. Long." Canada repeated, gritting his teeth.

England sighed on the other side of the line. "Four days."

"Four-Four days? It took you four days to think to call me, his brother?" Canada seethed.

"I really am sorry; I had assumed Francis would have called you."

"Papa's there? Let me talk to him," the younger nation ordered.

"He's out right now. Prussia asked him to-"

Canada clenched his free hand. His boyfriend knew his brother was missing, but hadn't even bothered to tell him?

"Get me Gil. Now," he commanded.

"R-right, of course. Hold on just a moment." There was some muffled shouting in the background, and then a groan of "Oh fuck he's going to kill me" before someone else spoke into the phone.

"...Hello?" Prussia asked, cautiously.

"Hello, Gilbert," Canada said, voice so sweet you could practically see his eye twitching. "What's new with you?"

"Mattie, I am so, so sorry I forgot to call you. I've been really busy trying to find my nephew – did I tell you I have a nephew – that I didn't get a chance to tell you about his kidnapping."

"He's my twin brother, Gil!" Canada shouted. "How could you forget to tell me?"

The line was silent for a moment.

"Oh, fuck. I forgot America was your brother."

"How could you forget? We look exactly the same!" Canada cried, incredulous.

"Nah, you're cuter," Gil said, distractedly. "Hold on." There was some muttering in German for a minute. "Sorry about that, Matt. Like I said, little busy over here. My nephew's missing."

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